Buckman and Buchanan will be honored at a reception on April 21, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in Bigelow Hall, located in the Miller Information Technology Building, along with the other award nominees. They will also be awarded a trip to the 2015 National Academic Advising Association’s annual meeting or regional meeting of their choice.
The awards have been given out since 1989 to recognize exemplary advisors. Two awards are given: One for the full-time faculty member whose primary advising responsibility is advising undergraduate students and one for the full-time professional staff academic advisor who both advises undergraduate students and holds a UofL Master Advisor Certificate (MAC).
Among the factors considered are perception by colleagues of nominee’s advising skills; interpersonal skills; mastery of institutional regulations, policies and procedures; and commitment to integration of academic advising with career- and life-planning goals. Nominations for the 2014-2015 winners were accepted during the Fall semester.