Caps and gowns ordered by graduates and faculty should be picked up in the practice court on the Event Level of the KFC Yum! Center, beginning at 3 p.m.
The university decided to proceed with commencement after determining from public safety and weather officials that main roads throughout the community and parking lots and sidewalks near the KFC Yum! Center are in good shape.
However, many neighborhoods and back roads are still in poor condition, and university officials caution graduates and their families to follow their own judgment in deciding whether or not to attend the event. Those who would rather not brave the weather are invited to participate in commencement ceremonies this spring.
Graduation is a wonderful event, and we want to be sure that it stays a happy occasion for everyone, said Provost Shirley Willihnganz. If you think it’s dangerous for you to drive, please wait and celebrate your achievement with us in May.
The university encourages attendees to park in lots that are connected to the arena by pedways, including the arena parking lot and lots at the Galt House and Galt House East. A map of such parking lots is at
(The Louie Link spaces, outlined in blue on the map, connect people to the arena without the need to walk outside.)