1.) Ben Katchor: The Made World events this weekend
April 26, 3 to 4 p.m., Cressman Center for Visual Arts, public reception
See uncollected and new works by the MacArthur “Genius” award-winning cartoonist and multimedia theater artist.
April 27, 1 to 2 p.m., Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft, 715 W. Main St.
Free, open to the public
“Halftone Printing in the Yiddish Press and Other Objects of Idol Worship” presentation. Words, images, facts and fictions collide in this imaginative, lyrical, at times dreamlike lecture presentation. Co-sponsored by UofL.
April 27, 3 to 5 p.m., Kentucky Museum of Art & Craft, 715 W. Main St.
Free, open to the public, reservations required
Graphic narrative workshop. Introductory exercises in storytelling thru text and image. No drawing or fiction-writing experience required. (Ages 16+) Reservations required. Make them at:
Additional Information: UofL Today story. Facebook page:
HR Items of Interest
2.) Learn motivational techniques
April 30, 2 p.m., Human Resources, 103A
Sometimes we all need that extra push to get and stay motivated as we navigate the many demands in our personal and professional lives. Join us for an action-packed 90 minutes designed to help understand what motivates you and others. Leave with a toolkit for insight and inspiration that you create to lift you up, keep you moving and inspire others to step up their game as well!
Additional Information: Register here. Questions:
Information Technology
3.) The current state of digital media and what your strategy should be for 2014
April 29, 2 to 3:30 p.m., Chao Auditorium, Ekstrom Library
Free, open to the public
If you manage a website, social media account or are considering a mobile strategy, you should attend this session. We will present the current state of digital media (web, social & mobile) and how you should be using these medium in 2014. The presentation is designed to give you supporting stats and information to justify a digital media budget, the need for more, better content and how to leverage it. No registration is required.
Additional Information: Jeff Rushton, 852-8119.
4.) GHN Wellness Center holding one year anniversary event
April 25, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center (601 Presidents Blvd)
Free, UofL employees, retirees and their spouse/QA
Join us to celebrate! Come enjoy the plethora of activities and incentives designed to support your well-being! All day event features healthy food, prizes, games, etc. Join Darrell Griffith for the unveiling of the basketball court and participate in the free throw shoot-out to follow. Take the GHN Wellness Center Discovery Tour for a chance to earn a grand prize: Bike (Scheller’s Fitness and Cycling) or $500 Gift Certificate (Blinds Direct).
Additional Information: RSVP via Facebook:; Check out the full agenda; 852-7755 or
5.) Sigma Xi’s Annual E.K. Hall Memorial Banquet to be held May 5
May 5, gather at 6 p.m., dinner 6:30 p.m., lecture 7:30 p.m.
$25 professionals, $20 students
The Distinguished Lecturer will be Paul D. Simmons, who will lecture on “Intelligent Design: Is This the End of Evolution?” Intelligent design claims to rival or displace the theory of evolution. Simmons argues it is both bad theology and bad science. It has no credible standing as science, and raises problematic notions such as “irreducible complexity” and appeals to religious piety, believing the unprovable and the improbable. There are major deficits in ID that make it incredible to teach in a classroom for science. Simmons is a medical ethicist in the UofL department of family and geriatric medicine.
Additional Information: RSVP with Christopher Graney.
6.) Expanded shuttle route starts in May on HSC
Beginning May 29
Effective May 29, University Parking and Transportation will begin operating an expanded shuttle route on the Health Science Campus to include Nucleus and the Jewish Hospital Garage on Muhammad Ali Blvd. The new stops will add 5 minutes to the current route time. A map of the new shuttle route can be found at this link.
Additional Information: Doreen Wood, 852-5029.
7.) Health Sciences Center April Diversity Newsletter available
The latest edition of the Health Sciences Center Diversity Newsletter highlights the unique backgrounds, experiences, perspectives and thoughts of individuals from the campus community. Check out this special edition here!
8.) Deadline extended for Outstanding Community Engagement Awards
May 16 deadline
The deadline for nominations for the 6th Annual Outstanding Community Engagement Awards has been extended to May 16. The award recognizes outstanding community engagement service of faculty, staff, students and community partners. Recipients receive a $2,500 monetary award.
Additional Information: Website.