October Faculty/Staff Notables


    The article, “Examining the Effects of Gifted Programming in Mathematics and Reading Using the ECLS-K,” written by Jill Adelson, assistant professor, educational psychology, measurement, and evaluation, Betsy McCoach and Kathy Gavin, was chosen as Paper of the Year by Gifted Child Quarterly. They will receive the award at the National Association for Gifted Children’s annual conference in November.

    Douglas Coldwell, professor, diagnostic radiology, is editor of the annual issue of RadioGraphics, the journal of continuing education in radiology, which came out this month. The journal goes to an international audience.

    Wood E. Currens, professor, School of Dentistry, and Melvyn Koby, assistant professor, School of Medicine, were inducted into the Atherton High School Alumni Association Hall of Fame in September.

    Blake Haselton, dean, College of Education and Human Development, has been appointed by Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear to the Education Commission of the States.

    Michael Mardis, dean of students, has an article in the fall 2013 Journal of the Association of Student Conduct Administrators. It is titled Behavioral Intervention and Threat-Assessment Teams in Higher Education: Results From an Exploratory Study,” and was co-authored by Christian Gamm, assistant director of graduate school admissions at UofL, and Dana Sullivan from the Department of Social Work at Western Kentucky University.

    Several UofL faculty, staff and students attended and presented at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education conference in Nashville earlier this month. They are Justin Mog, Laura Krauser, Andrew Hockenberry, Aaron Boggs, Brian Barnes, Angie Carlson, Karen Newton, Katrina Marie Neubauer, Ime Okpokho, Jonathan Thomas, Christopher Sims, Shelly Biesel, Tony Arnold, Chad Paul Frederick, Dave Simpson, Russ Barnett and Paul Salmon.

    (To submit information for inclusion in the next Noteables column, send an email to UofL Today with the subject line: Notables.)