Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on Sept. 23, 2014:
· VIDEO: Want another look at The Spectacular in a new video? Watch it here.
· PHOTOS: The School of Medicine held its College Cup 2014. View photos here.
· Storytellers, activities set for 2014 Corn Island Storytelling Festival. Read more.
· UofL president will travel across Kentucky, other states to visit students, alumni. Read more.
The PEACC (Prevention, Education and Advocacy on Campus and in the Community) Program is celebrating its 15th year at UofL. It all started from a grant to create a program that addressed sexual and relational violence. Today, PEACC focuses on teaching the campus community to integrate prevention into everyday activities and offers confidential services to anyone on campus impacted by this issue. For more, visit the PEACC website.
Campus-Submitted Announcement List
1.) Free flu shots for students, faculty and staff today on both campuses
2.) Pride Week Wednesday events
Health & Wellness
3.) Mammogram screening for UofL employees Friday
Human Resources
4.) Call for volunteer mentors
5.) SafeZone I Training
6.) Keeping the PEACC
7.) A&S All Stars series continues Saturday
8.) Attention: University personnel shipping packages containing dry ice
9.) Children 8 to 13 years needed for anxiety and worry study
10.) Take the health and insurance status survey for KY residents 45 to 64
11.) Attend the James Graham Brown Cancer Center Special Seminar
Grand Rounds
12.) Psychiatry
13.) Education
14.) Neuroscience
Campus-Submitted Announcements
Wednesday Flu Shot Schedule
1.) Free flu shots for students, faculty, and staff today on both campuses
Sept. 24
Students, faculty, and staff can get free flu shots through Campus Health Services ($5 for retirees) today.
· HSC: 7:30 am-12:30 pm Dental School Room 124 (We can vaccinate at the top of the stairs for those with mobility challenges.)
· Belknap: 11:00 am- 2:00 pm Student Activity Center outside of the bookstore and 3:30-7:00 pm in the Student Recreation Center
A full schedule and a consent form are at Download, print and complete the consent form for fastest service. You must have your UofL ID with you to get a free flu shot.
2.) Pride Week Wednesday events
Sept. 24
HIV Testing Free and Confidential, Health Promotion Office in Student Services Annex, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Affirming Interfaith Service and Lunch, UofL Interfaith Center, 11:30 a.m.; HSC Medical Education Grand Rounds: A Leader’s Role in Addressing LGBT Health, Kornhauser Auditorium, Noon.
Additional Information: Complete PRIDE Week schedule here.
Health & Wellness
3.) Mammogram screening for UofL employees Friday
Sept. 26, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Gottschalk Circle next to Shumaker Research Building
UofL employees; insurance will be billed. UofL insurance covers 100%.
There are still a few appointments available for the mammogram screening Friday on Belknap Campus. If it’s time for your annual mammogram, call KCP today to schedule your appointment! 852-6318. For women 40 years of age and older. UofL insurance covers 100 percent of the screening. Screenings provided by James Graham Brown Cancer Center, a part of KentuckyOne Health.
Additional Information:, 852-6318. Flyer.
Human Resources
4.) Call for volunteer mentors
Have you ever thought about “giving back” by sharing your professional experience to help guide and encourage others? HR is looking for volunteer mentors to participate in the 2015 Provost Staff Leadership Academy. Your time commitment is consists of a 1.5-hour orientation, a four-hour graduation ceremony and meetings with your mentee. Mentors will review 24 candidate profiles and select the mentee that shares similar goals and interests.
Additional Information: To learn more visit this link. If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor or have questions, email
5.) SafeZone I Training
Oct. 10, 9:30 a.m., Human Resources 103A
On a campus where the diversity vision statement includes both sexual orientation and gender identity, it is more important than ever to understand what it means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). For some, just gaining a basic understanding is a great starting point. For others, learning to become an active ally to LGBT members of our campus is a step they are ready to take. Regardless of where you are, Safe Zone Training is a great place to start.
Additional Information: Registration. Questions,
6.) Keeping the PEACC
Oct. 14, 9:30 a.m., Human Resources 103A
Are you keeping the peacc? There’s only one way to know, register and find out.
Additional Information: Registration, Questions,
7.) A&S All Stars series continues Saturday
Sept. 27, 9:30 a.m. doors open, 10 a.m. talk begins, Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium
Students free; faculty/staff/alumni $8, public $10
Biology professor Lee Dugatkin will speak on The Evolution of Goodness: Why Are Animals and Humans Ever Nice? as part of the A&S All Stars series before the big game Saturday. Enjoy coffee and pastries while listening to one of A&S’s leading scholars as he brings to life the people, the issues and the passions that have surrounded the altruism-in-evolution debate. A&S will give a pair of tickets to the first three people to send an email with “I’m Evolved” in the subject line to
Additional Information: Visit this link.
8.) Attention: University personnel shipping packages containing dry ice
Effective Oct.1, University personnel shipping any item classified as DOT Class 9 must use the new DOT Class 9 label. This includes any dry ice package that requires the use of the DOT Class 9 label. Failure to apply the new label may result in delayed shipment, rejected shipment and/or penalty by the US DOT or FAA. For a limited time, personnel can visit the DEHS Radiation Safety Office to obtain labels.
Additional Information: Cathy Price, 852-2956.
9.) Children 8 to 13 years needed for anxiety and worry study
Life Sciences Building, Room 363
IRB #13.0923 Are you stressed? Is your child stressed, anxious or worried? We can help! The UofL Developmental Psychopathology Lab is conducting a study examining the nature of worry and anxiety in parents and children. Parents and their children between the ages of 8 and 13 years are eligible to participate. Participants will receive free diagnostic interviews, detailed feedback and a report outlining the results of our assessment.
Additional Information: 852-2351, or
10.) Take the health and insurance status survey for KY residents 45 to 64
IRB #14.0767 The Mental Health and Aging Lab at the department of psychological and brain sciences is conducting a study on the insurance status, physical and mental health and decision-making of middle-aged and near-elderly Kentuckians for the years 2013 and 2014. This anonymous survey will help us learn about the relationship between these variables and how changes in insurance or health affect decisions about health care. Participants must be Kentucky residents aged 45-64.
Additional Information: Suzanne Meeks, PhD, 852-6068; Ronald Smith, 852-5950. Survey link is here.
11.) Attend the James Graham Brown Cancer Center Special Seminar
Sept. 24, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m., KCCTRB 101
The James Graham Brown Cancer Center will host a special guest seminar featuring Kristina Broliden, MD, from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. She will will present “Pre-exposure prevention of HIV entry: What can we learn from naturally HIV-resistant individuals?” Lunch will be served at 11:45 a.m.
Additional Information: Brooke DeGroote.
Grand Rounds
12.) Psychiatry
Sept. 25, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Ambulatory Care Building Auditorium
Free, public
Erika Ruth, MD, UofL assistant professor, department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, will speak on “Treating Opioid Dependence and Addiction: A Suboxone Clinic Primer.”
Additional Information: Christy Castle-Greenwell, 588-4424.
13.) Education
Oct. 8, noon to 1 p.m., Instructional Bldg Room 102
Dr. Robin Youngson will discuss understanding the extent of burnout among health professionals and how this disables compassionate caring. Dr. Youngson is founder of “Hearts in Healthcare,” a global social movement for health professionals, students, patient activists and all those passionate about re-humanizing healthcare.
Additional Information and RSVP: Emily Carr.
14.) Neuroscience
Sept. 25, 8 a.m., Nursing School, K-4003
The Grand Rounds Series is pleased to host Brian Kwon, MD, PhD, Canada Research Chair in Spinal Cord Injury, professor, department of orthopaedics, faculty of medicine, University of British Columbia, spine surgeon, Vancouver Spine Program, Vancouver General Hospital, associate director, clinical research, ICORD director, Vancouver Spine Research Program. The title of his lecture is “Translational Research in Spinal Cord Injury – A Bi-Directional Approach.”
Additional Information: Emily Rollins, 407-3226; Website.
Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.