Campus-Submitted Announcements
1.) ‘Technologies in Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention’ Symposium
Information Technology
2.) Reminder: Enroll in the Microsoft Campus Agreement by June 14
3.) Reminder: University websites must upgrade to Plone 4 by June 30, 2014
4.) Register now for a Paul Weber Award informal information session
5.) Accomplishing your summer goals: Backwards Design for Summer Planning
6.) Pain Study, Infants and Toddlers less than 2 years
7.) Pain Study, ages 2 years through 12 years
8.) Pediatric High Blood Pressure Study, ages 1 year through 5 years
9.) Pediatric High Blood Pressure Study, ages 6 years through 11 years
10.) Diabetes and Obesity Center Seminar Series presents: Andrew DeFilippis, MD, MSc
Campus-Submitted Announcements
1.) ‘Technologies in Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention’ Symposium
8 a.m. May 31, Clinical and Translational Research Building, Room 124
The James Graham Brown Cancer Center will host the “Technologies in Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention” symposium. A live telecast can also be seen here.
Additional Information: Manicka Vadhanam, 852-3683
Information Technology
2.) Reminder: Enroll in the Microsoft Campus Agreement by June 14
Through June 14, university departments and schools may enroll in the annual Microsoft Campus Agreement (MCA). The MCA will last for 12 months, providing access to Microsoft Windows and Office, including Outlook, at a rate of $81 per full-time employee. Enroll to keep departmental software and computers up-to-date and licensed through June 30, 2014. Enrollment includes free online Microsoft training and discounted work-at-home versions of Microsoft Office and Windows.
More information: Microsoft Campus Agreement
3.) Reminder: University websites must upgrade to Plone 4 By June 30, 2014
Departments have until June 30, 2014 to rebuild their websites in the upgraded Plone 4 system. The new system features tripled speed, mobile-friendly design, Adobe Flash integration and more. Summer is the perfect time to upgrade. IT offers free training for Plone 4 administrators and content creators, and IT’s Next Gen Services unit offers a free one-hour training session to departments using an OCM-created theme. Visit the webpage below to request a new site and register for training.
Additional Information: Plone 4
4.) Register now for a Paul Weber Award informal information session
10-10:30 a.m. June 20, Delphi Center, Room 244, Ekstrom Library
The Paul Weber Award for Departmental Excellence is back with a streamlined, two-tier application process. The award is intended to provide genuine incentive for departments to review approaches to teaching, and $30,000 is awarded to one department each year. Learn more about the application process and how your department can share demonstrated excellence in teaching at an informal information session on June 20. Applications will be accepted beginning July 1 and are due by Aug. 15.
Additional Information: Learn more here.
5.) Accomplishing your summer goals: Backwards design for summer planning
Noon June 6, Houchens 105
Free lunch for registrants
Have big plans for all you want to accomplish this summer? Nervous that May has already slipped away? Backwards design can help you achieve your goals. Although the concept of backwards design is most often used with planning academic courses, it can be effectively utilized for project and schedule management as well. At this hands-on PLAN workshop for graduate students, you will learn the basics of backwards design and begin mapping out the process for achieving your summer goals.
Additional Information: See the PLAN website for more information and to register.
6.) Pain study, infants and toddlers less than 2 years
IRB #12.0228
The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate acetaminophen given into a vein to treat moderate to severe pain in infants and children less than two years of age following surgery or an injury. Subjects may be compensated for time/travel.
Additional Information: Tressa Bratton, 629-5820 or 620‐0000 (pager)
7.) Pain study, ages 2 years through 12 years
IRB #10.0548
The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate an oral liquid medicine to treat pain
following surgery in children from two years through 12 years of age. Subjects may be compensated for time/travel.
Additional Information: Tressa Bratton, 629-5820 or 620‐0000 (pager)
8.) Pediatric high blood pressure study, ages 1 year through 5 years
IRB #10.0053
The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety and dose response of an investigational drug used for high blood pressure. Children from 1 year through 5 years of age diagnosed with high blood pressure may be eligible for participation. Subjects will be compensated for time/travel.
Additional Information: Contact Carla Rich by email or at 629-5820 or 620-0000 (pager)
9.) Pediatric high blood pressure study, ages 6 years through 11 years
IRB #10.0306
The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety and dose response of an investigational drug used to treat high blood pressure. Children from six through 11 years of age diagnosed with high blood pressure may be eligible for participation. Subjects will be compensated for time/travel.
Additional Information: Contact Carla Rich by email or at 629-5820 or 620-0000 (pager)
10.) Diabetes and Obesity Center Seminar Series presents: Andrew DeFilippis, MD, MSc
4 p.m. June 4, Baxter II, Room 038
The DOC continues its seminar series with Andrew DeFilippis’s talk titled “Biomarkers For Atherothrombosis.” Please come join us.
Additional Information: Samantha Clausi
Direct questions about UofL Today to Janene Zaccone, editor, Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171.