April 10, 2014 Announcements



    1.) Register now for the 2014 Faculty/Staff Open Walls exhibit

    2.) Stage One partnering with autism training center for sensory-friendly performance


    3.) ‘Lighten Your Load’ by exchanging/donating unwanted items

    Health and Wellness

    4.) Correction: Lunch & Learn: How to find allergy relief in the spring allergy capital


    5.) It’s tax season; DPS warns to watch for fraud

    6.) Research appointments available for online learners


    7.) Infant scientists wanted


    8.) Pharmacology and Toxicology presents master’s defense

    9.) Anatomical sciences and neurobiology Spring Seminar Series today

    10.) Department of Chemistry presents Jason Shearer, PhD

    11.) LALS interns present research projects

    12.) Neuroscience Lunch & Learn presents Michael Park, MD

    13.) 2014 Grawemeyer Award winners to discuss their winning works

    Grand Rounds

    14.) Family and Geriatric Medicine presents Ed Weisbart, MD

    15.) Pediatrics presents Gretchen Hunt, Brittney Thomas

    16.) Orthopaedic Surgery presents Lasa Cannada, MD

    17.) Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health presents Shan Biscette, MD

    18.) Pulmonary presents Hiram Rivas-Perez, MD



    Campus-Submitted Announcements



    1.) Register now for the 2014 Faculty/Staff Open Walls exhibit

    The 2014 Open Walls exhibit of artwork by UofL faculty and staff is scheduled for May 12 to 23 in the Photographic Archives gallery at Ekstrom Library. The exhibit is an opportunity for UofL employees who are not professional or exhibited artists to share their work. All media (i.e., painting, photography, woodworking, mixed media, fiber arts, jewelry, crafts) will be accepted. An artist reception will be held May 12 from noon to 1 p.m.  Guidelines for the 2014 exhibit can be found here. Registration is due April 28; form can be found here. Email registration forms to Janet Cappiello.

    Additional Information: Janet Cappiello, 852-1104; YouTube video.


    2.) Stage One partnering with autism training center for sensory-friendly performance

    May 10, 11 a.m., Kentucky Center for the Arts


    The Kentucky Autism Training Center is partnering with Stage One and the Kentucky Center for the Arts for the sensory-friendly performance of Diary of a Worm, a Spider, and a Fly. Author Doreen Cronin (also the author of Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type will be available to autograph books after the performance.

    Additional Information: Website.



    3.) ‘Lighten Your Load’ by exchanging/donating unwanted items

    April 25, 1 to 3 p.m., Miller Hall, FYRC

    The University of Louisville has partnered with Goodwill for an end-of-year move out event. On April 25, Miller Hall will be hosting Lighten Your Load! This is an opportunity for residents and members of the Louisville community to stop by Miller’s FYRC room to exchange items that would typically be discarded at the end of the spring semester (like old clothes, nonperishable foods and household appliances). Items left at the end of the event are donated to Goodwill. Guest speakers begin at 1:30 p.m.

    Additional Information: Bryan Mathis.


    Health and Wellness

    4.) Correction: Lunch & Learn: How to find allergy relief in the spring allergy capital

    Corrects RSVP link below

    April 24, noon to 12:30 p.m., Health Care Outpatient Center, Conference Room, 401 E. Chestnut St., HSC


    Louisville was recently named the spring allergy capital. Dr. Gerald Lee will discuss how you can find relief from your spring allergies in this Lunch & Learn sponsored by UofL Physicians.

    Additional Information:  RSVP by April 21 here.



    5.) It’s tax season; DPS warns to watch for fraud

    Tax season is upon us. The U.S. Internal Revenue Service reports that between 2008 and 2012 more than 550,000 taxpayers had their identities stolen for the purpose of claiming false tax refunds in their names. A few UofL faculty and staff have even been victims of tax refund fraud. DPS advises all employees to pay attention to potential tax fraud.  If you have had a false tax return filed in your name this year, please contact Det. Jeff Jewell of the Uof L Police (852-7290, jeffrey.jewell@louisville.edu) for assistance.


    6.) Research appointments available for online learners

    Online learners who need last-minute help finding library resources for papers can schedule research appointments with Distance Learning Library Services. Appointments can be conducted online, in-person or by-phone.

    Additional Information: To request an appointment, use this form



    7.) Infant scientists wanted

    Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday appointments on request, Davidson Hall 314


    The UofL Infant Cognition Lab (Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences) is conducting several studies on infant face perception. Infants who are between 3 and 7 months old with normal vision and hearing are invited to participate. Participation involves one brief visit to campus. Infants will receive a UofL t-shirt or bib for participating. HSPPO#: 053.06

    The UofL Infant Cognition Lab (Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences) is conducting a study on how infants recognize faces. For this study, infants who are 3 to 7 months old with normal vision and hearing are invited to participate. Participation involves one brief visit to campus. Infants will receive a UofL t-shirt or bib for participating. HSPPO#: 053.06

    The UofL Infant Cognition Lab (Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences) is conducting a study on infants’ perception of emotions in faces. For this study, infants who are 5 months old with normal vision and hearing and their mothers are invited to participate. Participation involves one brief visit to campus. Infants will receive a UofL t-shirt or bib for participating. HSPPO#: 053.06

    Additional Information: Lauren Helton, 852-6852, uoflbaby@louisville.edu, or visit www.babythinker.org.



    8.) Pharmacology and Toxicology presents master’s defense

    Noon, April 10, Knoefel Conference Room 1302, HSC Research Tower


    Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology presents a master’s defense by Melissa Skibba, Preventive effect of non-mitogenic acidic fibroblast growth factor on diabetes-induced testicular cell death.

    Additional Information: tracey.pender@louisville.edu.


    9.) Anatomical sciences and neurobiology Spring Seminar Series today

    April 10, 4 to 5 p.m., Baxter I Auditorium

    Free, open to the public

    Brian Ceresa, PhD., of the UofL pharmacology department, will present “Modulating EGFR Trafficking to Promote Corneal Epithelial Wound Healing.”

    Additional Information: matt.guido@louisville.edu, 852-6227.


    10.) Department of Chemistry presents Jason Shearer, PhD

    April 11, 4 p.m., Chemistry Building, Room LL-16

    Free, open to the public

    Jason Shearer, PhD, Department of Chemistry, University of Nevada, Reno, will present Nickel Superoxide Dismutase: From Models to Enzymes.

    Additional Information: Sherry Nalley, 852-6798.


    11.) LALS interns present research projects

    April 15, 3 to 4 p.m., Ekstrom Library, Room W104

    Free, open to the public

    Latin American and Latino Studies interns Elizabeth Canafax, Jennifer Lohrey, Claudia López and Spencer Scruggs will present their research projects for three local LALS internship sites (Adelante Hispanic Achievers, Kentucky Refugee Ministries and the Louisville Free Public Library – Iroquois Branch) that serve the Hispanic/Latino community. This event is sponsored by the LALS Club.

    Additional Information: Rebecca Harrod, website.


    12.) Neuroscience Lunch & Learn presents Michael Park, MD

    April 24, noon to 1 p.m., Abell Adminstration Building, 323 E. Chestnut St., Conference Room 110

    Free CME event for MDs and Dos

    Michael Park, MD, will present “Neuromodulation for Movement Disorders at this month’s Neuroscience Lunch & Learn. Dr. Park is the director of functional neurosurgery and pain, and is an assistant professor in the UofL Department of Neurosurgery. Lunch will be provided, and one CME credit will be given to MDs and DOs.

    Additional Information: Emily Rollins, 407-3226.


    13.) 2014 Grawemeyer Award winners to discuss their winning works

    Talks begin today; schedule as follows:

    ·        Serbian-born composer Djuro Zivkovic will speak today at 3 p.m. in Bird Hall, UofL School of Music. He won the music award for “On the Guarding of the Heart,” a 20-minute piece for chamber orchestra.

    ·        Stanford University anthropologist Tanya Luhrmann will speak April 14 at 7 p.m. in the seminary’s Caldwell Chapel. She won the religion award for her book “When God Talks Back: Understanding the American Evangelical Relationship with God.”

    ·        University of Southern California international relations scholar Jacques Hymans will speak April 15 at 2 p.m. in Ekstrom Library’s Chao Auditorium. He won the world order award for his book “Achieving Nuclear Ambitions: Scientists, Politicians and Proliferation.”

    ·        University of Southern California neuroscientist Antonio Damasio will speak April 16 at noon in Comstock Hall, UofL School of Music. He won the psychology award for his somatic marker hypothesis, a proposal that emotions affect our decisions.

    ·        New York University education research professor Diane Ravitch will speak April 16 at 5 p.m. in the University Club Ballroom. She won the education award for the ideas in her book “The Death and Life of the Great American School System.”



    Grand Rounds


    14.) Family and Geriatric Medicine presents Ed Weisbart, MD

    April 11, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., Bottigheimer Auditorium


    Ed Weisbart, MD, chair of Missouri Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program, presents Health Care Reform 2.0: Beyond the Affordable Care Act. Attendees will understand the strengths and failings of the United States health care system as compared to the systems in other modern nations around the world, and what’s changing due to the Affordable Care Act. Also, why improving Medicare and providing it to all Americans is the best solution to the uniquely American health care crisis.

    Additional Information: Callie Booth.



    15.) Pediatrics presents Gretchen Hunt, Brittney Thomas

    April 11, 8 a.m., Norton Hospital, 2nd floor auditorium

    Please join us for pediatric grand rounds featuring Gretchen Hunt and Brittney Thomas. Hunt is the staff attorney at the Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs and Thomas is co-chair of the Lexington Human Trafficking Taskforce and director of the H.O.P.E. Children Campaign. They will be presenting “Human Trafficking.”

    Additional Information: Brittney Luckett, 629-8828.


    16.) Orthopaedic Surgery presents Lasa Cannada, MD

    April 11, 6:45 to 7:45 a.m., Baxter I Auditorium, lower level


    The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery is pleased to present Lisa Cannada, MD, associate professor at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Dr. Cannada will present strategies of treatment for humeral shaft fractures, discuss how to make brace treatment work and define what approach for what level of fracture in ORIF.

    Additional Information: Monica Welsh, 852-6902.


    17.) Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health presents Shan Biscette, MD

    April 11, 1 p.m., Ambulatory Care Building, basement auditorium

    Shan Biscette MD, assistant professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health, UofL School of Medicine, will present Laparoscopy in Pregnancy. Dr. Biscette will discuss ways to recognize the physiologic changes, the common indications for surgery and recommendations for the safe practice of laparoscopy in pregnancy.

    Additional Information: Robin Marling, 561-2717.


    18.) Pulmonary presents Hiram Rivas-Perez, MD

    April 11, noon to 1 p.m., Ambulatory Care Building, Pulmonary Conference Room


    The Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Disorders Medicine will present Dr. Hiram Rivas-Perez, from The Ohio State University Medical Center division of pulmonary, allergy, critical care and sleep medicine, Davis Heart & Lung Research Institute. His topic will be The Effects of Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Patients with Lung Cancer.”

    Additional Information: 852-5841.




    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171.

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