August 17, 2015 Announcements


    Welcome to the UofL Today email! Want to know more about what is going on at UofL? Visit UofL Today online for articles, videos, photos, campus-submitted announcements and the UofL event calendar. Want to submit an announcement? Click here.



    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on August 14, 2015:


    ·       Stanford medicine chair to present UofL Leonard Leight Lecture Sept. 30. Read more.






    Members of an award-winning UofL College of Business student team are getting a special New York minute today. The Inscope Medical Solutions team will ring the NASDAQ stock market closing bell at 4 p.m. in Times Square. Earlier this year, Inscope won the Global Venture Labs Investment Competition with plans to market a wireless laryngoscope that can be used in ambulances, helicopters, hospitals and surgery centers to safely intubate patients.




    Campus-Submitted Announcement List


    UofL Today with Mark Hebert

    1.) ‘UofL Today with Mark Hebert’ features campus safety, Grawemeyer 30th celebration


    2.) UofL Dance Theatre to perform at Iroquois Amphitheater

    Health and Wellness

    3.) Try something new with August specialty demos

    4.) Get moving and join Get Healthy Now with Nia


    5.) Free Information Security training session at HSC

    6.) Parking change for Wednesday, August 19


    7.) Biochemistry


    8.) Childhood obesity in African American males 10 to less than 14 years

    9.) Type 1 diabetes mellitus study for adolescents and adults aged 12 to 35 years

    10.) Type 2 diabetes mellitus study for children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years

    11.) Autism study for children 4 to 10 years old 

    12.) Pain study, infants, birth to less than 28 days

    13.) Pediatric pain study, 7 through 16 years

    14.) Pediatric constipation study

    Grand Rounds

    15.) Neuroscience




    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    UofL Today with Mark Hebert

    1.) ‘UofL Today with Mark Hebert’ features campus safety, Grawemeyer 30th celebration

    Airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 6 p.m. on 93.9 FM The Ville; replayed on Saturday and Sunday at 8 a.m.

    UofL’s Mark Hebert hosts two weekly 30-minute programs focusing on research and insights from expert UofL faculty, as well as stories about our successful students, and staff and campus events. This week’s schedule:

    ·       Aug. 17: Dr. Gerard Rabalais, chairman of UofL department of pediatrics, discusses statewide mission; Tim Dowling, astronomy professor, talks about recent galactic discoveries; Dean of Students Michael Mardis and Col. Kenny Brown of ULPD discuss new campus safety measures.

    ·       Aug. 18: Charlie Leonard, executive director of Grawemeyer Awards, previews the award for Muhammad Ali and the 30th anniversary celebration; Dr. Heather Felton, UofL pediatrician, has advice for parents of schoolchildren; CEHD’s Tom Tretter discusses the Rauch Planetarium.

    Additional Information: Didn’t catch the shows? Listen to them here.



    2.) UofL Dance Theatre to perform at Iroquois Amphitheater

    Aug. 29, 8 p.m., Iroquois Amphitheater, Iroquois Park

    Free, $5 suggested donation

    Enjoy an evening of ballet and modern dance pieces with the University of Louisville Dance Theatre. Rain or shine, seats are under cover!

    Additional Information: 852-6878 or email Judy Hake.


    Health and Wellness

    3.) Try something new with August specialty demos

    Dates: See demo schedule; Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym

    Try our energetic, strength-based yoga and stress relieving class. PiYo and Core Yoga will focus on moves to increase strength and flexibility. AcroYoga will make your yoga practice fun as you support yourself and others in acrobatic yoga moves. Practice meditation moves with 5 Elements of Tai Chi to relieve any tension. All classes are available to all fitness levels. First class is always free! New registrants can purchase a $5 pass for unlimited access to all Specialty classes during August.

    Additional information:; 852-7755.


    4.) Get moving and join Get Healthy Now with Nia

    Tuesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym

    Free for GHN Wellness Center members

    Learn to dance in a way that expresses your unique self while improving balance, flexibility, strength and stability. Nia is a fusion of the dance arts, martial arts and healing arts to give you a mind-body experience that conditions the whole body and gives you a sense of greater well-being. It is appropriate for all fitness levels. Wear comfortable clothes; bring water, and a smile. No special equipment needed. Suitable for all fitness levels!

    Additional Information: Group fitness schedule; website;; 852-7755.



    5.) Free Information Security training session at HSC

    Aug. 19, 3 to 4:30 p.m., Basement ACB Auditorium

    This session is presented by the university’s Information Security Office and is free and open to all faculty and staff. Topics include: identifying and protecting “sensitive data” and Kentucky’s new privacy law (HB5) and how it impacts you. We will also cover tips to help you protect your work and personal data. Please RSVP at

    Additional Information: Lisa Cooper, 852-0567 or


    6.) Parking change for Wednesday, August 19

    In anticipation of Move-In Day, the south portion of the 3rd and Brandeis parking lot will close at 5 p.m. Tuesday, August 18. This portion of the parking lot will be used only for Move-In Day traffic on the 19th. Additional parking will be available in the Green lot on 3rd St. just south of Eastern Parkway. Route #94 shuttles will be operating Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on a 10- minute wait. There will be a great increase of pedestrian traffic on Wednesday, so please use caution.

    Additional Information: Gary Becker, 852-7221.



    7.) Biochemistry

    Aug. 17, noon, HSC-A, Rm 614, Homberger Library

    Catherine Cobb, BMG graduate student: “Nitration of Hsp90 Regulates Cellular Bioenergetics and Determines Cell Death in Health and Disease.”

    Additional Information:



    8.) Childhood obesity in African American males 10 to less than 14 years

    IRB #13.0334

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a research study to evaluate the effect of an investigational product on childhood obesity. African American Males from 10 to less than 14 years of age who are overweight or obese may be eligible for participation. If a child qualifies to take part in this research study, he will receive the product or placebo and study related care at no cost. Compensation will be provided for time/travel.

    For additional information, call Molly Harper by email or at 629-4695 or 620-0000 (pager).


    9.) Type 1 diabetes mellitus study for adolescents and adults aged 12 to 35 years

    IRB #12.0380

    The Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit and the Wendy L. Novak Diabetes Care Center are conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety of an experimental medication in 12 to 35 year olds who have recently been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. If the subject qualifies to take part in this research study, participation lasts up to 2 years; he/she will receive the study medication or a placebo and study-related care at no cost . Compensation available for time/travel.

    For additional information, contact Kupper Wintergerst, MD or Lauren Rayborn, RN by email or at 629-7544 or 620-0000 (pager).


    10.) Type 2 diabetes mellitus study for children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years

    IRB #12.0380

    The Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit and the Wendy L. Novak Diabetes Care Center are conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the metabolism, as well as safety, of a medication in children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years old who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. If the child qualifies to take part in this research study, he/she will attend 3 clinic visits; receive the study medication and study-related care at no cost. Compensation available for time/travel.

    For additional information, contact Kupper Wintergerst or Lauren Rayborn by email or at 629-7544 or 620-0000 (pager).


    11.) Autism study for children 4 to 10 years old

    IRB #13.0779

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate how a medication treats abnormal EEG’s without seizures, as well as behavioral and neurological symptoms, in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). If a child qualifies to take part in this research study, he/she will receive the study medication or placebo and study-related care at no cost. Parents will be offered compensation for time/travel.

    For additional information, contact Bethany Stock, 629-4696 or 620-0000 (pager).


    12.) Pain study, infants, birth to less than 28 days

    IRB #12.0228

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate acetaminophen given into a vein to treat moderate to severe pain in infants less than 28 days of age following surgery or an injury. Subjects may be compensated for time/travel.

    For more information, contact Jackie Perry at 629-5820 or 620-0000 (pager).


    13.) Pediatric pain study, 7 through 16 years

    IRB #12.0192 

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit at Kosair Children’s Hospital is conducting a clinical research study to evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of an investigational drug used to treat moderate to severe prolonged or persistent pain.  Children 7 to less than 17 years of age who require continuous analgesia for moderate to severe pain for an extended period of time may be eligible for participation.  Patients will be reimbursed for reasonable travel costs associated with their participation in the study. 

    For more information, contact Karrie Kernen, 629-5820 or 620-0000 (pager).


    14.) Pediatric constipation study

    IRB# 14.0007

    The UofL Kosair Charities Pediatric Clinical Research Unit is conducting a clinical research study to assess the efficacy and safety of an investigational drug used to treat constipation. Children 6-17 years of age who have been diagnosed with functional constipation and are able to swallow capsules may be eligible to participate. Patients may be compensated for time/travel associated with their participation in the study.

    For more information, contact Jackie Perry, 629-5123, pager 620-0000.


    Grand Rounds

    15.) Neuroscience

    Aug. 20, 8 to 9 a.m., Baxter Building Auditorium (lower level)

    As part of Neuroscience Grand Rounds, the department of neurology is pleased to have Andrew Naidech, MD from Northwestern University Department of Neurology, to present “Improving Platelet Activity and Outcomes After Intracerebral Hemorrhage.”

    Additional Information: Dominique Hurt, 852-8426, for more information.


    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

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