August 6, 2014 announcements


    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on Aug. 5, 2014:


    ·        Ann Swank, exercise physiology professor, contributes to the exercise physiology program. She says it is appropriate to give back to UofL. Read more.

    ·        VIDEOS: UofL researchers receive grant to lead study on how tobacco plants can be used to make a gel that prevents HIV. Watch news conference here.  To get a glimpse of the research in the lab, click here.

    ·        Study shows how primary care providers influence smoking cessation. Read more.






    A total of 2,040 first-year students are expected to live on-campus when the fall semester begins later this month, a record-breaking number and 70 percent of the freshman class.    



    Campus-Submitted Announcement List


    Belknap Campus Safety Announcement

    1.) One arrest in robbery on Belknap


    2.) Come to the 14th Annual UofL Geriatric Health Care Symposium


    3.) Two public meetings scheduled on 4th Street roadwork

    4.) Save the date: Caregiving workshop to focus on young learners

    5.) Green Tip: Water conservation saves money, energy and the environment


    6.) Subjects needed for pediatric study, 2 to 12 years old with a spinal cord injury


    7.) Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology presents master’s thesis by Kelsey Stipp

    8.) Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series



    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    Belknap Campus Safety Announcement

    1.) One arrest in robbery on Belknap

    UofL police have made an arrest related to a robbery at 2:30 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 5, in the 500 block of Lee Street north of Belknap Campus. A student reported being robbed at gunpoint by two males on bicycles near Cochran Elementary School. UofL police intercepted two males and arrested one subject, who the victim later identified as one of the suspects. The other suspect fled on foot toward the Park Hill neighborhood. Although he eluded arrest, police retrieved a handgun they believe belonged to the second suspect. ULPD is investigating the suspects’ potential involvement in other incidents in the area.



    2.) Come to the 14th Annual UofL Geriatric Health Care Symposium

    Sept. 19, 7:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., The Seelbach Hilton

    The theme is “Prevention Across the Spectrum of Aging.” The Annual UofL Geriatrics Symposium provides up-to-date training and skills in geriatric care for health care providers and all interested in the care of elders. Featured speakers include: Kenneth Schmader, MD, chief, division of geriatrics, Duke University; Michael Malone, MD, director of geriatrics fellowship program at Aurora Health Care; and Todd Semla, national PBM Clinical Pharmacy Program Manager, U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs.

    Additional Information: Registration and brochure online: Questions:



    3.) Two public meetings scheduled on 4th Street roadwork
    Aug. 6, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., and Aug. 8, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Student Rec Center Room 107

    Metro Louisville’s Department of Public Works will host two public meetings at UofL regarding plans to install traffic-calming measures on 4th Street through Belknap Campus (Cardinal Boulevard to Industry Road). The plan involves the addition of bike lanes in each direction; the preservation of existing dedicated turn lanes and on-street parking lanes in both directions; and reducing the roadway to one vehicular travel lane in each direction. The new roadway configuration will look much like 4th Street north of Cardinal Boulevard, but with bike lanes.

    Additional Information: View Metro Louisville’s “road diet” projects here.


    4.) Save the date: Caregiving workshop to focus on young learners

    Aug. 12, noon to 12:45 p.m., Ekstrom Library, Chao Auditorium


    Back to school and caregiving duties are back in full swing! Don’t miss the August workshop for those caring for a grand/child, parent, relative or friend. Join Dr. Kathryn Whitmore for this month’s topic, “Family reading and writing matters for your young learners’ new school year. UofL’s Caregiving Workshop Series is designed to support those caring for another by providing access to important resources, inspiring group support and promoting self-care. Mark your calendars! No registration required. Presented by Get Healthy Now and the Great Places to Work Work-Life Balance Committee.

    Additional Information: Website; or 852-2636.


    5.) Green Tip: Water conservation saves money, energy and the environment

    In this time of summer heat and drought, we are reminded of the importance of conserving water on campus and at home. Your efforts can also help reduce utility bills and the use of energy needed to pump and treat water. Simple steps to help conserve water include: taking shorter showers; not watering lawns and gardens in the middle of the day; shutting the tap while brushing your teeth, shaving or washing dishes; and immediately reporting leaky valves and pipes at UofL to Physical Plant for repair.

    Additional Information: Report Leaks to Physical Plant at 852-6241 or here. More ways to save:



    6.) Subjects needed for pediatric study, 2 to 12 years old with a spinal cord injury

    Frazier Rehabilitation Institute

    Volunteers 2 to 12 years of age with a spinal cord injury (at T10 or above) are needed for a research study about neuromuscular recovery in kids. Eligible subjects will be asked to complete up to two 2-hour sessions of videotaped assessments. The study will be conducted at the Neuroscience Collaborative Center, Frazier Rehabilitation Institute. IRB# 13.0261

    Additional Information: Lisa Clayton, 333-8152, or Dr. Andrea Behrman, 582-7451.



    7.) Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology presents master’s thesis by Kelsey Stipp

    Aug. 6, 9 a.m., Tower 916


    Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology presents a master’s thesis by graduate student Kelsey Stipp, titled  “Effects of Passive Immobilization on Locomotor Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury in Adult Rats.

    Additional Information: Matt Guido, 852-6227


    8.) Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series

    Aug. 7, noon to 1 p.m. CTRB, Room 123

    Free, public

    The Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series presents “The Gut Microbiome and Metabolome in Susceptibility to Clostridium Difficile Infection,” by Casey M. Theriot, PhD, research investigator, division of infectious diseases, department of internal medicine, University of Michigan Medical School.

    Additional Information: Carolyn Burton, 852-6208.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement