LOUISVILLE, Ky. — A March 28 workshop is designed to help cancer care providers support and provide resources for patients and families coping with sexual dysfunction related to chronic illness and treatment.
Daniela Wittmann, University of Michigan clinical assistant professor of urology, will present “Assessing and Treating Sexual Dysfunction After Cancer Treatment: The Role of the Oncology Social Worker.”
The University of Louisville’s Kent School of Social Work, Baptist Health Cancer Care and Hosparus co-sponsor the 12:30-4 p.m. event in the Cancer Resource Center Conference Room of the Charles and Mimi Osborn Cancer Center, Baptist Health Louisville, 4003 Kresge Way.
The seminar is intended for the social workers, oncology nurses, doctors and caregivers who help cancer patients through the grief process, treatment and recovery.
The workshop and lunch are free but registration is required by March 21 at http://uofl.me/1PkxEYu. Three continuing education units are available for social workers for $30 during the National Social Work Month event.
Wittmann will discuss a biopsychosocial approach to understanding sexual dysfunction after cancer treatment and providing treatment geared to improving recovery of sexual function and relationships.
She is co-author of the American Cancer Society guideline for prostate cancer survivorship care and has led the development of psychosocial interventions in the University of Michigan’s program. She has more than 30 years of clinical experience focusing on adjustment to chronic illness.
For more information, contact Karen Kayser at 502-852-1946 or Karen.kayser@louisville.edu