The free, public event, organized by UofL’s Center for Arts and Culture Partnerships in the College of Arts and Sciences and by Speed Art Museum, will run from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the museum’s Speed Cinema, 2035 S. Third St. Parking is available in the museum garage off Third Street.
Speakers will discuss virtual reality and immersive media, museums’ role in film and Kentucky’s efforts in film education.
Dean Otto, curator of film, Speed Art Museum, and David Schwartz, chief curator, Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, New York, will talk about “Film and Film Education: The Museum Role.”
A “Field Report: Film Education in Kentucky” discussion will feature faculty members from Asbury University, University of Pikeville, Northern Kentucky University, Kentucky College of Art and Design at Spalding University and University of Louisville.
Louisville producer-director Steven Schardt will lead a concluding session, “Virtual Reality Production,” which will be in nearby Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium on UofL’s Belknap Campus.
For more information, contact Peter Morrin, director of UofL’s Center for Arts and Culture Partnerships, at 502-852-2361 or peter.morrin@louisville.edu.
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