A Fort Thomas, Ky., native and May 2015 UofL graduate has won a prestigious Fulbright award to teach in Brazil. Lora Danielle Robinette, who earned degrees in Spanish and political science from the College of Art and Sciences, is UofL’s 10th Fulbright scholar this year.
She is currently teaching at Jefferson County Public Schools’ Thomas Jefferson Middle School as part of the Teach Kentucky program and taking graduate-level classes in UofL’s College of Education and Human Development to earn a master’s degree in teaching.
“We offer our congratulations and are proud of Lora Danielle Robinette, our 10th Fulbright winner for 2015,” said university President James Ramsey. “UofL is committed to recruiting the very best students and then providing them every opportunity to be successful—preparing them for work, prestigious post-graduate scholarships and fellowships like the Fulbright and/or professional graduate school. We continue to attract the very best students and to produce as many Fulbright scholars as some of the nation’s most elite universities.”
Most Fulbrights learn of their prize in May or June. However, Robinette—who was selected as an alternate for Ecuador—received a letter from the Fulbright Commission over the summer inviting her to apply for an award to Brazil because 42 additional positions had opened in that country. On Sept. 11, she learned that she was one of the successful applicants.
“I’m thrilled to receive a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant grant to Brazil,” Robinette said. “As a teacher in Jefferson County Public Schools, I hope to use my experiences to teach in Brazil while also continuing to grow as an educator.”
Robinette will depart for her teaching assignment in February.
After graduating from Highlands High School in 2011, Robinette came to UofL as a McConnell Scholar. She is the daughter of Kathy Robinette of Fort Thomas.
For more information, contact Patricia Condon at 502-852-0024 or pacond01@louisville.edu.