February 15, 2018 Announcements


    Thursday, February 15, 2018



    Marty Pollio, chosen last weekend to be Jefferson County Public Schools superintendent, received his doctorate in education from the University of Louisville in 2012. He has been serving as interim superintendent for the past eight months. According to JCPS, Pollio’s top priorities when he took over as acting superintendent were to improve culture and climate within the district and schools, tighten organizational coherence and increase student learning and achievement.



    The Commonwealth Center for Humanities and Society has announced its 2018-19 Faculty Fellows, including UofL’s Professor Brad Bowman (History), Professor Anna Browne-Ribeiro (Anthropology), Professor Melanie Gast (Sociology), Professor Frank Kelderman (English), Professor Katherine Massoth (History), Professor Susan Ryan (English) and Professor Kaila Story (Women’s and Gender Studies/Pan-African Studies).



    1095-C Forms being mailed soon

    The University of Louisville will be providing employees with a 1095-C form as part of our reporting requirements under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The 1095-C contains information about health coverage offered to you and your dependents by the university. This form documents the health insurance you were offered and/or enrolled in during 2017. The forms should be received by March 2, 2018. For more details, see the FAQ online. *Please note you do not need this form to file your tax return.
    Additional Information: Website


    2018 (Spring) Internal Grants program deadline is March 27, 5 p.m.

    The call for proposals for the EVPRI Internal Grants Program is reinitiated and the EVPRI will be accepting applications for Spring 2018 review. The Internal Grants Program (Research I, Research II and Undergraduate Research Grants) aims to assist faculty and students in new highly productive research projects. All grant categories are open to full-time faculty, including full time faculty who mentor students for the Undergraduate Research Grants projects. Information and applications forms are available online


    Save the date: Drag Brunch planned for March 4

    March 4, 11:30 a.m., The Hub, 2235 Frankfort Ave., 40206
    Stay tuned to the LGBT Center at the University of Louisville Facebook page for more information about this event. Proceeds will benefit the LGBT Center.
    Additional Information: Website


    Attestation and Disclosure Form (ADF) notifications from iRIS

    The annual ADF requirement is currently being phased in for ALL employees during Spring/Summer 2018. Automatic email notifications are sent from the iRIS system advising on the ADF completion requirement. This requirement may be new for some employees. Please add irismail@louisville.edu to your email safe list or check your junk mail folder to ensure you do not miss notifications. Visit the website for additional information on disclosure requirements.
    Additional Information: Conflict of Interest Program emailwebsite, 852-7612


    Roberson Fund for African Studies available

    Interested in Africa? Funds may be available. The University of Louisville announces the annual Roberson Fund for African Studies. Each year UofL provides funding for students wishing to travel during the summer semester to various locations within Africa. While distributions from the Fund will be used primarily to benefit students and faculty who are engaged in scholarly study in Northern Ghana, other locations in Africa are considered as well.
    Additional Information: Website


    Ryan White funded oral health care services available 

    February 19, University of Louisville School of Dentistry; No charge for eligible persons
    If you or anyone you know is a person living with HIV disease, you are eligible for dental care at one of four different UofL School of Dentistry locations. Dental care cost is provided via a state contract with the Ryan White Part B program. Must live in KY, be enrolled in the RW Part B Care Coordinator Program located in Med Center One and be living with HIV disease to be eligible. Contact dental case managers at 502-852-1267/0891 or 502-852-2008 for a referral to receive dental care and treatment.
    Additional Information: Deborah N. Wade, 852-4517


    Visitor Talk: Use of transformation in finite mixture modeling and model based clustering

    February 23, 2-3 p.m., NS 333
    Shuchismita Sarkar, who is a current PhD candidate at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, will give a esearch talk at the department of mathematics colloquium. Abstract: Finite mixtures present a powerful tool for modeling complex heterogeneous data. One of their most important applications is model-based clustering. This establishes a one-to-one relationship between mixture components and clusters. While the mixture components can take any functional form, the assumption of Gaussian density is one of the most popular in literature. Gaussian mixtures, however, are not efficient when data deviate from normality. Some novel use of transformations for alleviating this issue will be discussed in the case of inconsistent recording of data.


    Hepatobiology & Toxicology Center Special Seminar

    February 19, 12-1 p.m.,  CTR101/102
    The Hepatobiology & Toxicology Center presents a special seminar by Dr. Anna Mae Diehl, Florence McAlister Professor of Medicine, Professor of Molecular Genetics, Duke University, titled, “NASH and HCC.”
    Additional Information: Steve Mahanes, 852-1388


    Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series hosts Dr. Virginia Miller

    February 15, 12-1 p.m.,  Room 123, Clinical and Translational Research Building
    The Department of Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series presents Dr. Virginia Miller, PhD, “Unexpected observations while exploring early stages of bubonic plague.” Miller is a Professor of Genetics with the University of Chapel Hill School of Medicine.
    Additional Information: Lisa Hagan


    Brown & Williamson Spring Seminar Series

    February 16, 12:30 p.m., Room LL-16, Chemistry Building, Belknap Campus; Free
    Sam L. Nguyen, PhD, Hamilton, DeSanctis, Cha, LLP, will present, “Drug Development Strategies for the Treatment of Cancer and Cataracts.”
    Additional information: Sherry Nalley, 852-6798


    Biology Department Seminar Series presents Dr. Rachelle Adams, Ohio State University

    February 16, noon, 139 Shumaker Research Building
    Dr. Rachelle Adams (Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University) conducts research on the behavioral ecology, evolution, and chemical ecology of ants – especially the genus Megalomyrmex. She and her students are exploring the role of chemical communication in symbiotic (parasitic) relationships among ants, as well as the chemistry of ant venom, ant phylogenetics, and variation in reproductive strategies of queen ants.

    Additional Information: Charice Johnson, 852-8263

    Health and Wellness

    Get Healthy Now offering: Diabetes Prevention program

    February 26, 4:15 p.m.,  GHN Wellness Center, Conference RM. 116; Cost is covered through the health plan. Anthem medical card required for enrollment and participation
    Once again Get Healthy Now and the UofL Physicians Diabetes and Obesity Center are teaming up to offer a Diabetes Prevention Class. Energy management, increased movement and decreased stress levels are what you can expect to gain as you work with a trained lifestyle coach to support and encourage you throughout this year long program that holds 24 group classes in 2018 -2019. Registration is limited to first 15 eligible participants.
    Additional Information: 502-588-4499, website


    ‘Dancing with the Stars’ world champion to teach dance class at GHN

    April 14, 9-10 a.m., Studio A, Get Healthy Now Wellness Center, 601 Presidents Blvd.; $10 until April 1; $15 until April 13; $20 at the door
    Join GHN’s LaBlast Fitness Class and learn all the dances you see on “Dancing with the Stars.” You will learn things you have never learned before, even if you are a seasoned fitness or dance professional. LaBlast is structured and easy to learn but flexible enough for creativity. “Dancing with the Stars” three-time World Champion Louis Van Amstel will lead the session. Register online

    KORU 2.0

    March 7, noon to 1:15 p.m., HSC Instructional Building, Room 208; Free for employees, spouses & QAs
    KORU 2.0 is for those who have attended KORU Basic and would like to further their mindfulness/meditation practice. Sponsored by School of Medicine Being Well program and Get Healthy Now. Register online.


    Pause with OMM (One Moment of Mindfulness)

    February 15, 12-12:20 p.m., Room 208, HSC Instructional Building, HSC; Free: employees, residents, students and QAs
    Revive, renew and refresh at our 20-minute drop-in meditation sessions. Attend this meditation group to reinforce your desire to practice meditation and to help you to expand your skills. You will connect with others interested in mindfulness practices and be exposed to a wide variety of meditation/mindfulness practices. All experience levels are welcome. OMM is offered every Thursday in February. Drop-in when you can or email to register. If you are an HSC employee or student, your UofL ID should scan you into the building. If you are not sure, or if you would prefer to have the code to get into the building, send an email.


    Eliminate low-back pain caused by sitting all day with Get Healthy Now’s Back Health class

    Fridays, 6:30-7 a.m., Get Healthy Now; Free with membership, nonmember: $5
    Roughly 80 percent of Americans will suffer from lower back pain in their lifetimes. This Back Health class will strengthen your hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles that will have you feeling pain-free. 

    Additional Information: Group Fitness scheduleemail, 852-7755


    Use your day off to try Saturday Yoga at Get Healthy Now

    Saturdays 10-10:50 a.m., Get Healthy Now; Free with membership, nonmembers: $5
    Enjoy a variety of styles taught by our talented instructors who will rotate each weekend. This is the perfect way to try different forms of yoga – Gentle, Vinyasa, PiYo and more.
    Additional information: Group Fitness scheduleemail, 852-7755


    Green Tip: UofL Free Store has expanded Spring Hours

    Mondays and Wednesdays 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and Thursdays 12:30-2 p.m., through April 23, Unitas Tower basement
    UofL’s Free Store is now open three days/week throughout the Spring during the hours listed above at Unitas Tower basement (enter from driveway off Cardinal Blvd). All students and employees are welcome to “shop” for free clothing, shoes, household items, books, school & art supplies, non-perishable food, etc. Donations accepted any time in the red bins outside the Store. The Free Store is a Transgender-Friendly space. Help us keep useful stuff out of landfills. Volunteers wanted.
    Contact: Erin Kurtz, 502-298-6673; Facebook 

    Grand Rounds

    Grand Rounds: ‘Psychiatric Practice in the Context of Sexual and Gender Diversity’

    February 15, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Ambulatory Care Building Auditorium
    Brian Hurley, MD, MBA, DFASAM, Assistant Professor of Addiction Medicine, UCLA Department of Psychiatry will present “Psychiatric Practice in the Context of Sexual and Gender Diversity.” Lunch will be provided.


    Pediatric Grand Rounds

    February 16, 7:55 a.m., Wade Mountz Auditorium
    Join us for a pediatric grand rounds featuring Colleen Kraft, MD. Kraft is the president-elect of the American Academy of Pediatrics. She will present live at the Marriott East as part of the “Just for Kids” Pediatric Care Symposium. The presentation will also be shown in the Norton auditorium. She will give an update from the AAP. Please note the new start time of 7:55 a.m.
    Additional Information: Brittney Luckett, 502-629-8828


    Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds

    February 16, 6:45-7:45 a.m., Baxter I Research Building, lower level auditorium
    Please join the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery as we welcome Christian Eccles, MD, PGY-3, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Louisville. Dr. Eccles’ lecture, “Cast or Splint…Wait, Who’s on Call Again?” will give the audience a better understanding of the history of splinting, radiographic indices on how to assess a well formed cast, and current literature regarding casting controversies.

    Additional Information: Monica Welsh, 852-6902


    Family and Geriatric Medicine Grand Rounds

    February 16, 7:30 – 8:30 a.m., Jewish Hospital Bottigheimer Auditorium
    Suzanne Kingery, MD, Associate Professor, Pediatric Endocrinology, UofL School of Medicine, will present: “TRANSformative Healthcare: Gender Expansive Youth and the Role of the Primary Care Provider.” CME credit will be provided.
    Additional Information: Melissa Garrett, 852-5499 

    Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds

    February 23, 6:45-7:45 a.m., Baxter I Research Building, lower level auditorium
    Join the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery as we welcome Michelle S. Caird, MD, Associate Professor, Larry S. Matthews Collegiate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Associate Chair for Education and Residency Program Director, University of Michigan Medical School. Dr. Caird will lecture on “How (and Why) to Never Miss a Septic Hip: Algorithms and Evidence Breakthroughs in Brittle Bones – Update on Osteogenesis Imperfecta.”
    Additional Information: Monica Welsh, 852-6902



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communication & Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    + Submit an announcement

    Alicia Kelso
    Alicia Kelso is the director of social media and digital content. She joined UofL in 2015 as director of communications at the Brandeis School of Law. She also serves as a senior contributor at Forbes.com, writing about the restaurant industry, which she has covered since 2010. Her work has been featured in publications around the world, including NPR, Bloomberg, The Seattle Times, Good Morning America and Franchise Asia Magazine.