Welcome to the UofL Today email! Want to know more about what is going on at UofL? Visit UofL Today online for articles, videos, photos, campus-submitted announcements and the UofL event calendar. Want to submit an announcement? Click here.
Here’s what was posted to UofL today on Jan. 13, 2016:
· UofL planetarium to offer space engineering boot camp at Meyzeek. Read more.
· Wallis, back from Gambia, reflects on experience. Read more.
There are more than 12,000 undergraduate students enrolled at UofL at any given time.
Campus-Submitted Announcement List
1.) Teaching Conference for UofL Faculty: 2016 Celebration of Teaching and Learning
2.) Faculty: Reminder – 2016 Kentucky Pedagogicon Call for Proposals
Health and Wellness
6.) Women’s Center seeks calendar submissions for Women’s History Month
7.) Winter Wonderland Cosmic Explorer Workshop
8.) Safe Zone 2 training
9.) Discuss with your Chair: Green Threads Workshop on sustainability course creation/modification
10.) EcoReps Lunch & Learn: Green Careers & Communication
11.) The immigration history of Latin@s in the U.S.: How this impacts us today
12.) EpiHour
13.) Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology
14.) Spring 2016 Bioengineering Seminar Series
Grand Rounds
15.) Orthopaedic Surgery
16.) Family Medicine
17.) Infant scientists wanted!
Campus-Submitted Announcements
1.) Teaching Conference for UofL Faculty: 2016 Celebration of Teaching and Learning
Feb. 12, Shelby Campus, Founders Union
Faculty: join your colleagues from across the university as we explore evidence-based instructional strategies, technologies, and assessment tools that can maximize student success. Attend for all, or part, of this free professional development opportunity to hear a keynote presentation by Dr. José Antonio Bowen and choose from 20, one-hour concurrent sessions led by UofL faculty and staff. A light breakfast, buffet lunch, and dessert reception will be provided.
Additional Information: Learn more and register.
2.) Faculty: Reminder – 2016 Kentucky Pedagogicon Call for Proposals
Proposal deadline is February 1
The 2016 Kentucky Pedagogicon will be held on Friday, May 20, in Eastern Kentucky University’s Noel Studio for Academic Creativity. The conference theme, “Exploring High-Impact Educational Practices Using Scholarly and Creative Teaching,” encourages us, as individuals and as a field, to examine and highlight those strategies of high-impact educational practices that promote scholarly and creative teaching in highly effective instruction.
Additional Information: Participants are encouraged to submit proposals at http://studio.eku.edu/pedagogicon-proposal-submission-2016
Health and Wellness
3.) GHN Wellness Center closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
The GHN Wellness Center will be closed on Monday, Jan. 18, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Normal hours of operation will resume Tuesday, Jan. 19.
Additional Information: ghn@louisville.edu, 852-7755
4.) Shoot for Success with Open Gym (Half Court)
Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday & Sunday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym
Free for GHN Wellness Center members
Whether you’re looking to play, practice, or just shoot some hoops, we have open gym hours for basketball fun. Check out a basketball at the front desk and hoop it up!
Additional Information: http://louisville.edu/gethealthynow; ghn@louisville.edu; 852-7755.
5.) Save the Date: GNN Wellness Center Employee Appreciation Open House: “Be Your Golden Self in 2016”
Jan. 20, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym
Free Event
Be your Golden Self with the help of GHN at our Employee Appreciation Open House. To celebrate 2016, every 16th person to attend the event will win a GHN prize! Come take advantage of free tours, equipment demos, fitness classes, healthy refreshments including “Meatless Monday” samplings from City Cafe, and information about UofL Sustainability initiatives. Better health, more energy, increased strength and muscle tone—your best self starts here at the Get Healthy Now Wellness Center!
Additional Information: http://louisville.edu/gethealthynow; ghn@louisville.edu; 852-7755.
6.) Women’s Center seeks calendar submissions for Women’s History Month
Deadline: Jan. 29
March is Women’s History Month. The Women Center will publish a calendar of events for March and would like to include your event or program concerning women’s issues. Interested? Submit your information at http://louisville.edu/womenscenter/programs-events/womens-history-month or complete the word document by Friday, January 29.
Additional Information: You can also submit your information to the Women’s Center service account at womenctr@louisville.edu. Email Phyllis M. Webb or call 852-8976 for more details.
7.) Winter Wonderland Cosmic Explorer Workshop
Jan. 24, 2 to 4 p.m., Gheens Science Hall and Rauch Planetarium
$13 UofL/$10 Family Members
You think it gets cold here in the winter? At this workshop, kids get to experience how cold it can get in space! We’ll demonstrate how liquid nitrogen instantly freezes fruits and plants and top off the tour of all things frozen with ice cream made using liquid nitrogen. Brrrr-ace yourselves for an amazing frozen journey! (Open to 4-6 year olds; must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.)
Additional Information: http://louisville.edu/planetarium/kids/cosmic-explorer-workshops planet@louisville.edu, 852-6665.
8.) Safe Zone 2 training
Feb. 10, 1 to 3 p.m., Human Resources
Do you have friends, family members, colleagues or other people in your life that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community? Join the LGBT Center for our Safe Zone 2 training! Participants will have the opportunity to understand their personal Ally journey through self-exploration and reflection AND gain practical, hands-on experience by developing an Ally Action Plan. This training serves as part 2 of the Safe Zone training program. Completion of Safe Zone 1 is highly recommended, but not required. Those who wish to attend should register with HR at http://louisville.edu/hr/training.
Additional Information: katy.garrison@louisville.edu
9.) Discuss with your Chair: Green Threads Workshop on sustainability course creation/modification
Want to integrate themes of ecological, social and economic stewardship and resilience into your courses? The Sustainability Council invites full/part-time faculty and GTA Academy members from ANY discipline to apply for the April 15th Green Threads workshop. We’ll explore ways to embed sustainability in your curriculum. You’ll earn a $500 honorarium, course development resources, info on local sustainability issues, and an interdisciplinary collegial network. Apply by 3/23 with Chair’s approval.
Additional Information: Green Threads Application & Full Details.
10.) EcoReps Lunch & Learn: Green Careers & Communication
Jan. 15, noon to 1 p.m., Room W210, Ekstrom Library
Join us for our monthly EcoReps workshop featuring a free vegetarian lunch and locals making a difference in sustainability! This month’s guest is marketing strategist Hart Hagan on “Preaching to the Choir: How to advance your career while making Louisville green. He’ll share tips on effective communication skills and strategies to advance your own career. The Sustainability Council’s EcoReps program provides training and resources, service opportunities, and certification. All are welcome.
More info on EcoReps website: http://louisville.edu/sustainability/operations/eco-reps/eco-reps.html
11.) The immigration history of Latin@s in the U.S.: How this impacts us today
Jan. 20, noon to 1 p.m., Kornhauser Library Auditorium
Prof. Enid Trucios-Haynes (Brandeis School of Law) will guide participants through why Latin@ immigration history is so important to us today. She is a nationally recognized scholar in immigration and her teaching focuses on race and the law, as well as constitutional, immigration, and international law. Among many other leadership roles, she leads volunteers in conducting “Know Your Rights” presentations at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention Center at the Boone County Jail.
Additional Information: Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by Jan. 18: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-immigration-history-of-latins-in-the-us-how-this-impacts-us-today-tickets-19593063380
12.) EpiHour
Jan. 14, noon to 1 p.m., Room 103, School of Public Health & Information Sciences
Anne Baber Wallis, MHS, PhD will present: Smiling Coast of Africa, the Gambia: Translating My Fulbright Fellowship into Global Health Studies in Louisville. Dr. Wallis will talk about her recent Fulbright fellowship in the Gambia, her observations on maternal and child health in the region, and share some photographs and adventures in travel.
Additional Information: Robin Newlon, 852-3003.
13.) Anatomical Sciences and Neurobiology
Jan. 14, 4 to 5 p.m., Baxter Auditorium
ASNB Spring Seminar Series Presents: Michael Fox, Phd, Associate Professor, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute Novel Mechanisms Regulating the Assembly of Circuits and Synapses in the Developing Brain”
Additional Information: Matt Guido, 852-6227.
14.) Spring 2016 Bioengineering Seminar Series
Jan. 15, noon, Duthie Center for Engineering, Room 117
Dr. M. Tariq Malik, PhD, will present a seminar: “The New Generation of Cancer Medicine: Synthetic Nucleic Acid Aptamer Guided Nanotheranostic for Breast Cancer.” Everyone is welcome to attend. Pizza will be provided, so if you plan to attend, please send an email to Nancy Hansford.
Grand Rounds
15.) Orthopaedic Surgery
Jan. 15, 6:45 to 8:45 a.m., Baxter I Research Building, auditorium, lower level
Please join the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery as we discuss failed or less than optimal orthopaedic surgery cases identifying medical ethics issues, medical knowledge gaps, system based issues, communication, professionalism and practice based system issues.
Additional Information: Monica Welsh, 852-6902.
16.) Family Medicine
Jan. 15, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., Jewish Hospital Bottigheimer Auditorium
Jessica Stumbo, MD, Program Director Jewish Hospital/ University of Louisville Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship will present The Skinny on FAT: The Female Athlete Triad. Dr. Stumbo will review the components of the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment options. CME category 1 is available for both AAFP & ACCME accreditation.
Additional Information: Mickie Mulloy, 852-0797.
17.) Infant scientists wanted!
Davidson 314
The UofL Infant Cognition Lab (Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences) is conducting several studies on infant face perception. Infants who are between 3 and 8 months old with normal vision and hearing are invited to participate. Participation involves one brief visit to campus. Infants will receive a UofL t-shirt or bib for participating.
For more information, please contact Kate Dixon (852-6852, uoflbaby@louisville.edu) or visit www.babythinker.org. HSPPO#: 053.06
Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.