Monday, Jan. 23, 2017
DID YOU KNOW In 1991, UofL, the CEHD, and the Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative formed a partnership to deliver improved professional development to the 13 districts that were in OVEC region at that time. The partnership has expanded to include additional services such as grants, committees and participation in the Content Networks. OVEC collaborates with the CEHD on facilitating teacher recruitment, leadership initiatives, and faculty research efforts.
FACULTY AND STAFF NOTABLES Brandeis School of Law Professor Ariana Levinson has appeared in multiple news outlets to discuss the Kentucky General Assembly’s right-to-work bill that was recently signed into law. Levinson is a scholar in labor and employment law and has recently co-written an article, “Federal Preemption of Local Right-to-Work Ordinances,” for the Harvard Journal on Legislation.
RESEARCH BULLETIN Eight University of Louisville faculty and staff received more than $700,000 in grants in the past two weeks. Check out their funded projects here.
Miscellaneous Postel named interim presidentThe UofL Board of Trustees has named Greg Postel interim president effective Jan. 30. Postel will succeed Neville Pinto, who will assume the presidency at the University of Cincinnati in February. See for more information.
UofL Today with Mark Hebert WHAS-TV, Great Day LiveMondays at 9:30 a.m. Segments can be found on YouTube. WHAS-TV and WLKY-TV also run the UofL stories in their Monday afternoon and Saturday morning newscasts, respectively Monday, Jan. 23: The world has become a more interconnected place, prompting an increasing number of UofL students to study abroad.
Radio ShowAirs Mondays and Tuesdays at 6 p.m. on 93.9 FM TheVille; replayed on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Podcasts of all radio programs can be found on SoundCloud.
Metro TV and KET KY – The Kentucky Channel(Metro TV – Ch. 99 on UVerse, Ch. 25 on TWC): Monday and Tuesday nights at 7:30, Thursday 6:30 p.m., Friday 8:30 p.m. and Sunday 9:30 p.m. (KET KY – Ch. 192 on TWC, other channels): Thursdays at 5 p.m. Metro TV shows can be found on YouTube. This week: Law school professor Goldburn Maynard discusses the Estate Planning and Elder Law program; Maggie McGatha talks about improving the math teaching skills of elementary school teachers
Miscellaneous Signature Partnership listening sessionJanuary 27, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Room 201, Miller Information Technology Center, Belknap Campus
Save the Date for the 3rd Annual Day of ServiceThe Office of Community Engagement is pleased to announce that the 3rd Annual UofL Day of Service will be held on April 21, 2017. Site locations and how to sign-up will be forthcoming.
Apply now for Delphi U 2017May 8-11, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; May 12, 8 a.m. to noon, Shelby Campus, Burhans Hall; Free The Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to announce registration for Delphi U 2017 is now open. Get many of your questions and concerns about online courses answered in this engaging four-and-a-half-day workshop. During Delphi U you will be introduced to ways of designing, developing, delivering and assessing online courses. Space is limited, so apply now. Additional Information: Register online; Deb Hatfield, 852-
Reminder: Welcome Week 2017 event requestFirst Year Initiatives is planning for Welcome Week 2017 (Aug. 16-20). If your office/organization would like to host an event during Welcome Week, complete the Interest Form by February 10. We will do our best to accommodate as many requests as we can, as we build an overall event flow which is intentional and strategic.
HR Retirement Incoming Planning Seminar for employees age 50+February 9, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., University Club Ballroom, 200 E Brandeis Ave.; Free to faculty and staff Additional Information: Website
Talks/Seminars/Symposiums Speed School of Engineering Special SeminarJanuary 23, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Ernst Hall Auditorium
Biochemistry Seminar todayJanuary 23, noon to 1 p.m., Homberger Library, HSC-A, Rm 614
BB&T Speaker Series: The Philosophic Fight for the Future of AmericaJanuary 25, 4:30-5:30 p.m., PNC Horn Auditorium, Harry Frazier Hall, College of Business
Training and Workshops EndNote Classes for the spring semester, Kornhauser Health Sciences LibraryJan. 24, 10-11:30 a.m., History Room, Kornhauser Library, HSC; Free to UofL community
EndNote for Beginners at Ekstrom LibraryFebruary 6, 10-11:30 a.m., W103, Ekstrom Library, Belknap Campus; Free to UofL Community
Mindfulness workshops available for those who connect students with resources$5 Retreat; $12 Workshops
Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Facilitator TrainingMay 18, 12 p.m. to May 20, 4 p.m., Student Activities Center (SAC) W309K; $250 (Fee waived for limited number of in-kind spots) Additional Information: Register online
PLAN to host workshop for grad students on creating an online portfolio for job searchesJanuary 25, 2-4 p.m., Ekstrom Library, Room W103
Health and Wellness Get fit with GHN’s R.I.P.P.E.D.Mondays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym; Free for members
Fall into alignment with Get Healthy Now’s Yoga/Specialty Class OfferingsSee Group Fitness Schedule; Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym; $40 Unlimited classes/semester Additional Information: Group fitness schedule, website, email, 852-7755
Start your mornings with Tai Chi ClassMondays and Wednesdays, 7-8 a.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym; $40 Unlimited classes/semester Additional Information: Group Fitness Schedule, website, email, 852-7755
Craving ribs? Try avocadoIf you feel like dining on ribs or pork sausages, chances are your taste buds would be happy with something else that is fatty, so go for plant foods that are loaded with fat, such as avocados (13 grams of fat in 1/2 avocado) or macadamia nuts (a whopping 21 grams of fat in a 1 oz. serving—more than ribs). The good news is that fats found in plants are healthy and unsaturated.
QUESTIONS & SUBMISSIONS Direct questions about UofL Today to Alicia Kelso, 852-2670, or the Office of Communication & Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon. |