June 4, 2013 Announcements


    Campus-Submitted Announcements

    Grand Rounds

    1.) Endocrinology Grand Rounds

    2.) Urology Grand Rounds

    HR items of Interest

    3.) Freeing Your Voice: Basic Tips for Speaking Well

    4.) Investment Representatives on Campus


    5.) Anne Braden Institute announces Social Justice Research Paper Award recipients

    6.) Biohazardous Waste and Medical Waste Program change

    Professional Development

    7.) New OCMu dates posted


    Campus-Submitted Announcements

    Grand Rounds

    1.) Endocrinology Grand Rounds

    4 p.m. June 5, Room 038, Lower Level, Baxter II Research Building, Health Sciences Center


    Please join us as Swapna Dharashivkar, MD, fellow, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes, UofL, presents, “Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in neonates.”

    Additional Information: Kelly Galiette, 852-5237

    2.) Urology Grand Rounds

    7 a.m.-10:30 a.m. June 21, Abell Administration Building, Room 110


    The Department of Urology presents Joseph A. Smith, MD, chairman of the Department of Urologic Surgery at Vanderbilt Medical College, University of Tennessee. Smith will present two lectures: “The Future Role of Surgery for Carcinoma of the Prostate” from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and “How Radical Does Cystectomy for Bladder Cancer Need to be?” from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Continental breakfast will be provided beginning at 7 a.m.

    Additional Information: RSVP appreciated but not required. To RSVP, email Cindy Brown.

    HR items of Interest

    3.) Freeing Your Voice: Basic Tips for Speaking Well

    1:30 p.m. June 11, Human Resources 103A


    Voice is most powerful when it is truly in tune with the speaker’s thoughts and feelings. Our voices are our greatest source and means for creative and passionate discourse. Each of us is born with a naturally strong, vibrant voice which, through the process of socialization, may have lost much of its natural expressiveness. This workshop is designed to help people strengthen and free their voices by exploration, relaxation, breath support and resonance.

    Additional Information: Registration. Email questions to staff development.

    4.) Investment Representatives on Campus

    TIAA-CREF consultant Pat Long will be on Belknap Campus in HR June 11 and 18 and HSC Campus June 6 and 13. Call 1-800-732-8353 to schedule an appointment. Fidelity Investments consultant Brian Lewin will be on Belknap Campus in HR June 6, 12 and 25 and HSC Campus June 5 and 20. Call 1-800-642-7131 to schedule an appointment. The counseling sessions are one hour in length and free to all UofL employees.

    Additional Information: Human Resources, 852-3555


    5.) Anne Braden Institute announces Social Justice Research Paper Award recipients

    The Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research is pleased to announce winners of its 6th Annual Social Justice Research Paper Awards. First-place awards went to A&S students Emily Maiden and Jacob Eleazer. Gregory Justis (School of Law) received an honorable mention. Their papers are available in the ABI Reading Room with our other reference materials for social justice research in Ekstrom Library 258. Abstracts of their papers are available on our website.

    Additional Information: Social Justice Research Awards

    6.) Biohazardous Waste and Medical Waste Program change

    Due to increased costs for the disposal of bio-hazardous and medical waste, all university labs and clinics will be required to follow recently developed bio-hazardous waste segregation guidelines. To view these important changes, visit the DEHS website. Labs and clinics will also be required to label each full bio-hazardous waste container with a vendor barcode label. To obtain these labels visit the Radiation Safety Office, located in the Library Commons Room 102.

    Additional Information: Cathy Price, 852-2956

    Professional Development

    7.) New OCMu dates posted

    Update your calendar with the new OCMu training sessions. This season you can attend sessions on Localist.com, the impact of a national championship, Google analytics, how to advertise and promote at UofL, social media 101, branding and much more. Sessions are for UofL but open to the public. No registration required.

    Additional information: Email Jeff Rushton


    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janene Zaccone, editor, Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171.

    Submit an announcement