May 29, 2014 Announcements


    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    Today’s farmers markets: It’s strawberry season!

    1.) Gray Street

    Thursdays through Oct. 30, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., 400 block of E. Gray Street, rain or shine

    Some items available today will include: strawberries, kale greens, cucumbers, onions, lettuce, baby choy, sprouts, napa cabbage, maple syrup, broccoli and green onions. Also dried apples, granola, breads, cookies, salsa, cinnamon rolls, Gmeals (sautéed veggies and meats), Holy Mole taco truck, Lil Cheezers grilled cheese truck.

    Additional Information:; Website.


    2.) Belknap

    Thursdays through Oct. 16, 3:30 to 6:30 p.m., 3rd and Brandeis, rain or shine

    The Belknap campus farmers market will have a soft opening today, with a larger grand opening planned for next week. Some items available today will include: strawberries, kale greens, spinach, onions, lettuce, baby choy, amaranth, napa cabbage, local honey, broccoli, turnips, radishes, green onions, garlic, cilantro, sage, lovage, asparagus and pasture-raised poultry, lamb and eggs. Also breads, cinnamon rolls, Gmeals (sautéed veggies and meats) and locally made tea.

    Additional Information:



    3.) Expanded shuttle route starts on HSC

    Beginning May 29

    Effective today, University Parking and Transportation will begin operating an expanded shuttle route on the Health Science Campus to include Nucleus and the Jewish Hospital Garage on Muhammad Ali Blvd. The new stops will add 5 minutes to the current route time. A map of the new shuttle route can be found at this link.

    Additional Information: Doreen Wood, 852-5029.


    4.) Caregiving series brown bag lunch series continues

    May 29, noon to 1 p.m., Human Resources 103a


    Are you caring for a loved one? In conjunction with the monthly Caregiving Workshop series brought to you by Get Healthy Now and UofL’s Great Places to Work Initiative Work-Life Balance Committee, this brown bag session geared toward employees who are caring for a grand/child, parent, relative,or friend is designed to support those caring for another. JoAnn Kalb from Jewish Career and Family Services will facilitate the lunchtime discussion.

    Additional Information:



    5.) Cards Under the Stars: Come see Monsters University on Friday

    May 30, 6:30 p.m., beside the Natural Sciences Building, Belknap campus


    UofL’s free family movie night series returns for 2014! The first outdoor movie of the summer will be Monsters University. The event begins with entertainment and the film begins at dusk. Activities include children’s inflatables and games, music by Sonablast recording artist Heidi Howe and a “monster-face photo contest. Concessions will be available for purchase from Holy Mole Taco Truck. Patrons are welcome to bring picnic baskets, coolers, lawn chairs and blankets. See full details of activities here.

    Additional Information: Brandy Warren, 852-8025.


    Information Technology

    6.) Watch out for latest phishing scam

    Information Technology has received reports regarding a new phishing scam sent by email to university account holders. If you have received a notice from “Blackboard Learn’’ regarding “An important course form…” please delete it immediately. Never give out your personal information or password. When you receive a suspicious email like this, send it as an attachment to to confirm its legitimacy prior to responding.

    Additional Information: HelpDesk, 852-7997 or



    7.) Quaker State 400 Cardinal Takeover

    June 28, 5 p.m., Kentucky Speedway


    UofL alumni and friends are invited to the Kentucky Speedway Cardinal Takeover for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Quaker State 400 presented by Advance Auto Parts. Receive race entry, access to the Fan Zone, hospitality area, exclusive Louisville Alumni reception (including food, beverages, cash bar), and the Thomas Rhett concert for only $150 per person. Tickets are limited so register now!

    Additional Information: Registration. Contact: Carolee Allen, 852-8941.


    HR Items of Interest

    8.) Learn how to use Pinterest for business

    June 11, 2 p.m.,Human Resources 103A


    In this workshop, we will use Pinterest to “pin” communication strategies, management articles and tips and tricks that will inspire positive workplace relationships. Participants in this workshop will receive a log in and will “pin” interesting articles up to the workshop date; these articles should pertain to adding value to their workplace environment (i.e., management best practices, better communication, workplace relationships, etc.) During the course, we will review and discuss articles pinned by users. The goal is to facilitate discussions that will inspire good communication and create a positive work environment. Participants will receive log-in information May 30 to begin pinning their articles and ideas.

    Additional Information: Registration. Questions:



    9.) Grant Crafting Brown Bag Series session scheduled

    June 4, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Shumaker Research Building, Room 139

    The free “Grant Crafting Brown Bag Series” series features discussions on various grant topics. The June 4 session focuses on “Post-award Grant Management” with presenter Diane Penrod, research manager and unit business manager senior. Each 90-minute session is made up of a 45-minute presentation followed by time for questions and discussion. Participants are encouraged to bring their own lunch. The series is sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences Research Office in collaboration with the College of Education and Human Development Research Office.

    Additional Information: RSVP to Teresa Wilkins, 852-5588.


    10.) Flow Cytometry Core Facility opening

    Room 651, CTR Building

    The Department of Microbiology and Immunology is pleased to announce the opening of a newly constructed Flow Cytometry Core Facility. All University of Louisville researchers will have access to a new three-laser 14-color BD LSRFortessa for cell analysis and a new two-laser 7-color BD FACSAriaIII for cell sorting. Trained and certified staff is available to assist with flow cytometry training, data analysis and experimental design. Cell sorting on the FACSAria will be performed by the core staff.

    Additional Information: Bob Miller, 852-7263. Website.


    Summer Camps

    11.) Girls Lacrosse Developmental Camp offered

    Week of June 23, 9 a.m. to noon, Lacrosse stadium


    Open to rising kindergarteners through ninth graders. Developmental Camp will provide a fun and educational experience for those who are new to the sport. Activities will include lacrosse skill development, small sided games and an overall fun environment. Our goal is to help build a solid lacrosse foundation while having fun!

    Additional Information: Vicki Latino, (201) 803-7176. Camp website.


    12.) Girls Lacrosse Elite Camp offered

    Week of July 7, all day

    Day camp, $400; Overnight camp, $490

    Open to rising sixth graders to high school seniors. Players are grouped by skill level, learning with their peers Throughout the four days of camp, campers will experience five skill sessions and tournament-style play. Each camper will be placed on a team that will compete throughout camp culminating in a “Championship Game” on the final day.

    Additional Information: Vicki Latino, (201) 803-7176. Camp website.



    13.) Pharmacology and Toxicology presents a research seminar

    May 29, noon, CTRB 123

    The Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology presents a research seminar by Punita Dhawan, PhD, assistant professor, departments of surgery and cancer biology, division of surgical oncology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Topic: “Role of Claudin-1 in Colonic Epithelial Homeostasis and Colon Cancer.”

    Additional Information: Tracey Pender, 852-6255.


    Grand Rounds

    14.) Pediatrics

    May 30, 8 a.m., Norton Hospital, 2nd Floor Auditorium

    Please join us for a pediatric grand rounds featuring Philip Dydynski, MD.

    Dr. Dydynski is the chief of radiology at Kosair Children’s Hospital. He will be presenting “Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease.”

    Additional Information: Brittney Luckett, 629-8828.


    15.) Family and Geriatric Medicine

    May 30, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., Bottigheimer Auditorium

    Mary White, MD, director, division of medical humanities, Boonshoft School of Medicine, Wright State University, presents Emotion in Medical Professionalism: A Resource, a Risk and a Responsibility. Participants will be able to recognize and describe how emotional self-awareness contributes to professional attitudes, skills and behaviors and how this competence may be developed and sustained in medical education and practice. CME category 1 is available for both AAFP and ACCME.

    Additional Information: Callie Booth.


    16.) Medicine

    May 29, 8 a.m., CTRB, Rooms 101-102

    Department of Medicine Grand Rounds features Jason R. Roberts, MD, assistant professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition at UofL. Dr. Roberts will present Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Screening: 2014 and Beyond focusing on identifying the screening population and high-risk individuals, comparing various CRC screening tests, recognizing the importance of early detection and discussing quality in screening colonoscopy programs.

    Additional Information: Jason Puckett, 852-1825.


    17.) Neuroscience

    Note special date: May 30, 8 to 9 a.m., School of Nursing, Room 4003

    As part of the Neuroscience Grand Rounds, the department of neurology is pleased to have Dr. Alberto Espay from University of Cincinnati to present “Learning Movement Disorders in Hindsight: Lessons from Pitfalls.”

    Additional Information: Dominique Hurt, 852-8426. To watch these Grand Rounds live on the web and receive CME credit, go to this website and follow the directions.


    18.) Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health

    May 30, 1 p.m., Metro Conference Room, University of Louisville Hospital basement

    Please join us as Mary Elaine Stauble MD, assistant professor, department of obstetrics, gynecology and women’s health, UofL School of Medicine, presents “POPPM Redux.” Dr. Stauble will discuss Personalized Postoperative Pain Management and how it impacts recovery. She will help the audience to discover how pharmocogenetics impacts medicine, and to find alternatives to narcotics for pain control.

    Additional Information: Robin Marling, 561-2717.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

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