May 6, 2014 announcements


    Health and Wellness

    1.) CORRECTION: Take 20 for a Lunches Gone LOCAL cooking demo and tasting

    May 14, 11 to 11:20 a.m. Cardinal Burger Company, SAC, Belknap Campus

    CORRECTS DATE: May 16, 11 to 11:20 a.m. City Café, HSC

    Free for employees, spouses/QAs

    S – A – V – O – R the moment! Dr. Martin Seligman’s research shows that engaging your senses and savoring the moment increases your overall happiness and energy level. Join us for this Take 20 and relish the taste, texture and advantages of local ingredients. You will savor the moment and learn how to incorporate more fresh local products into your meals. You deserve a short 20- minute energizing break. Register NOW!

    Additional Information: Paula Kommor, 852-0128.


    2.) Yoga and Pilates at the GHN Wellness Center

    Through May 9, various times, GHN Wellness Center, 601 Presidents Blvd.

    Free trial for Uof L employees, retirees and spouse/QA

    Refresh your body and mind with these inspiring yoga and Pilates offerings. Try this invigorating form of physical activity during our free trial week. Stretch and strengthen your muscles with the guidance of professional instructors in a peaceful setting. Various class times throughout the week to help you develop a consistent practice. If you love it, sign up and enjoy the best value on campus — unlimited access all semester for only $40!

    Additional Information: Website. Flyer. Full May group fitness calendar: Contact: 852-7755,


    HR Items of Interest

    3.) Learn how to deal with difficult people

    May 8, 11a.m., Abell Building 110


    Some people are just plain hard to get along with, but you don’t have to let them get under your skin. Knowing how to deal with difficult people at work will allow you to approach your job with more enjoyment and your coworkers with greater confidence. In this workshop, we will examine the characteristics of a difficult person, what challenges may be the root cause of their behavior, as well as strategies for understanding and coping with the difficult behavior.

    Additional Information: Register here. Questions,



    Information Technology

    4.) Internet Explorer patch released

    On May 1, Microsoft released a patch to mitigate the critical security flaw found in several versions of Internet Explorer (IE). Information Technology forced the patch on all campus machines in Active Directory Thursday evening. You may be prompted for a system restart to complete the installation. The patch was also applied to IE 8 on Windows XP systems.

    Additional Information: Contact the HelpDesk, 852-7997 or



    5.) CORRECTION: UofL Cultural Center holding graduation celebration

    CORRECTS location

    May 8, doors open 5 p.m., event begins 6 p.m., SAC, multipurpose room

    Free, open to the public

    The Graduation Celebration is an annual event to pay homage to the past, while celebrating the future and endless possibilities of all graduating underrepresented students at the University of Louisville. This year’s celebration will feature a speaker, music, individual recognition and reception. Join the Cultural Center as we recognize all 2014 graduates.

    Additional Information: Website. Leondra Gully, 852-0231.


    6.) Green Tip: Pedal for Team UofL in the National Bike Challenge

    May 1 to September 30

    Spring is the perfect time to rediscover the health-promoting, money-saving and planet-protecting joys of getting around on two wheels. May is Bike Month, so saddle up, Cards. Join the National Bike Challenge from May 1 to September 30 and be a part of something big. All miles cycled will count toward the University of Louisville total, and qualify you for great individual and team prizes. Our grand prize: a $400 bike shop voucher courtesy of Get Healthy Now and the Sustainability Council.

    Additional Information: UofL Bike Commuter Resources & Events. Register for the National Bike Challenge here.


    7.) Noche de Ciencias: ‘Science Night’

    May 23, 6 p.m., Chemical Engineering Auditorium (Ernst Hall Room 103)


    Noche de Ciencias provides students (grades 6 to 12) a fun and interactive evening. Students are involved in cool science activities and parents are provided valuable information about engineering and science fields.

    Additional Information: Maria Carreon.



    8.) Healthy blood donors needed for study

    Mornings, Baxter I Building, Lab 117


    Donors are needed for research studies of the function of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell responsible for destroying bacteria) and how diseases affect this function. Donors must be healthy, at least 18 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and be medication free. Amount of blood drawn will vary anywhere from 50mls to 450mls and $30 per 100 ml (or part thereof) up to a maximum of $120 will be paid.

    Additional Information: Blood donation is performed in the morning at the nephrology research laboratories of Kenneth McLeish, MD located in the Donald E. Baxter Research Building and takes approximately 20 minutes. Call Terri Manning at 852-1157 or email at to enroll or to get more information.


    Grand Rounds

    9.) Endocrinology Grand Rounds presents secondary causes of osteoporosis

    May 7, 4 p.m., Baxter II Research Building, lower level, Room 038


    Please join us as Betty C. Villafuerte, MD, associate professor of medicine, division of endocrinology, metabolism and diabetes, UofL, presents “Secondary Causes of Osteoporosis: Evaluation and Treatment.”

    Additional Information: Kelly Galiette, 852-5237.




    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171.

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