Nov. 25 Announcements


    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    1.) Planetarium’s holiday membership special

    2.) CardShirt sale to benefit UofL Cares


    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    1.) Planetarium’s holiday membership special

    Through Dec. 19

    A planetarium membership gives you and your loved ones a year-long boarding pass on our virtual spaceship. Audiences are captivated as we transport them through the universe in our full-dome theater. As a special treat this holiday season, we are offering a spectacular deal on membership prices: $50 for families (usually $75) and $25 for individuals (usually $35). This gift should be at the top of everyone’s list. More information.

    2.) CardShirt sale to benefit UofL Cares

    10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Nov. 25 atrium, Harry Frazier Hall, College of Business

    The CardShirt Company, a College of Business student-run organization, will sell its T-shirts and donate $5 of each sale to the UofL Cares campaign. This year’s student-designed T-shirt features a Card Nation graphic and comes in cotton ($15) and a new polyester blend ($18). Cash, credit cards and checks will be accepted.

    Additional Information: Christy Burge, 852-4853.


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