Sept. 18, 2015 Announcements


    Welcome to the UofL Today email! Want to know more about what is going on at UofL? Visit UofL Today online for articles, videos, photos, campus-submitted announcements and the UofL event calendar. Want to submit an announcement? Click here.



    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on Sept. 17, 2015:


    ·       MULTIMEDIA: UofL presents Grawemeyer Spirit Award to Muhammad Ali. View photos here. Watch videos shown at the event here and here. Read more.

    ·       Cardinal Cards will include preferred names. Read more.

    ·       U.S. education secretary tours UofL campus, meets with students. Read more.

    ·       Scholar to discuss clues about ancient life. Read more.

    ·       Symposium focuses on care of older adults. Read more.






    The Grawemeyer Spirit Award ceremony that took place Thursday featured music from Louisville Brass, the resident brass chamber ensemble at UofL made up exclusively of School of Music faculty.




    Campus-Submitted Announcement List


    Health and Wellness

    1.) Free flu shots continue on both campuses next week

    2.) We put the “Fun” in Functional Fitness

    3.) Let’s walk for healthy hearts

    4.) Yoga at your desk videos are back!


    5.) IT offering new VPN access option


    6.) PLAN workshop to help students read and respond to challenging texts in graduate school

    7.) PLAN offers workshop on the academic job search process


    8.) Renewable Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass: Lessons learned from bourbon industries

    9.) Membrane-active, Synthetic Amphiphiles that Exhibit a Range of Biological Properties




    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    Health and Wellness

    1.) Free flu shots continue on both campuses next week

    Belknap Campus Sept. 21-22; HSC Campus Sept. 23

    Get in and out fast! Get a flu shot and a treat too! Flu shots are free to students, faculty, and staff ($5 for retirees). Click here for a full schedule and a consent form. Download, print and complete the consent form for fastest service. You must have your UofL ID with you to get a free flu shot.


    2.) We put the “Fun” in Functional Fitness

    Saturdays 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center, Humana Gym

    Free for GHN Wellness Center members

    This class focuses on core fitness that can easily translate into daily activities and other sports. It incorporates all of the major muscle groups as well as the muscles you never knew you had. You will get efficient, functional movements that will enhance “trouble areas”, nourish your spine, revitalize your postural muscles and strengthen your core with every movement. Exercises are shown at different skill levels so each person can work to their own individual competency.

    Additional Information: Website;; 852-7755.


    3.) Let’s walk for healthy hearts

    Sept. 19, 9 a.m., Waterfront Park’s Great Lawn

    Join team Get Healthy Now and the American Heart Association in the fight against our country’s No. 1 and No. 4 killers – heart disease and stroke. This Saturday, rally together and show your support at the AHA Heart Walk. Team Get Healthy Now will meet at the UofL tent on the Great Lawn next to the stage. Wear your cardinal red and choose the 1-mile or 3-mile route to walk with us in support of this important cause.

    Additional Information: Heart Walk Website;; 852-7755.


    4.) Yoga at your desk videos are back!

    Trying to release tension in your neck and shoulders can be a daily challenge if you spend a lot of time at a desk. Thanks to the generosity of experienced yoga instructor, Judi Rice, Get Healthy Now delivers healthy back and neck stretches to you, right where you are! Whether you’re at a desk, in a conference room, or in the comfort of your own home, take a stretch break! Be good to your body: release tension, ease anxiety, and get relief from aches and pains. Try these stretches today!

    Additional Information:; 852-7755.



    5.) IT offering new VPN access option

    Information Technology will implement a new Virtual Private Network (VPN) today (Sept. 18). A VPN allows users to securely access the university’s internal network from a remote location. A VPN should always be used to access sensitive information from outside the University such as HIPAA, FERPA and research data. New users must request a VPN account and requires an install. Current VPN Users will have to install a new client. The current VPN will remain functional and supported through 4/24/2016.

    Additional Information: Website.



    6.) PLAN workshop to help students read and respond to challenging texts in graduate school

    Sept. 22, 1 to 2 p.m., Houchens 105

    This workshop will focus on the distinctive demands of reading and responding to writing for graduate-level courses and research. We will cover concepts that can help you navigate your way through scholarly work, identify strategies for reading and responding to difficult scholarly texts, and understand professors’ expectations for how grad students are expected to use the scholarship. Graduate students interested in attending can register and find more information on the PLAN website.


    7.) PLAN offers workshop on the academic job search process

    Sept. 24, 3 to 4 p.m., Houchens 105

    Are you preparing materials to go on the market this spring? This workshop is designed to demystify the process, and to address the specific needs and questions of those from both the sciences and humanities who are embarking on this exciting experience. Overall, this workshop is a resource to help you identify and effectively present yourself as a candidate to the academic job of your future. Graduate students interested in attending can register and find more information on the PLAN website.



    8.) Renewable Fuels and Chemicals from Biomass: Lessons learned from bourbon industries

    Sept. 18, 1 to 2 p.m., Rm 310, Ernst Hall


    The chemical engineering department presents a seminar from our own Dr. Noppadon Sathitsuksanoh (Tik) discussing developments in biological processes for converting biomass into Bourbon-like compounds that are currently blended into gasoline. Specific examples will be presented highlighting the role of novel spectroscopy in understanding reaction mechanisms of biomass conversion and how these mechanisms affect the downstream production of renewable fuels and chemicals.

    Additional Information: Patty Lumley, 852-6347.


    9.) Membrane-active, Synthetic Amphiphiles that Exhibit a Range of Biological Properties

    Sept. 25, 1 to 2 p.m., Rm 310, Ernst Hall


    The Department of Chemical Engineering presents a seminar with Dr. George W. Gokel from the Center for Nanoscience, Departments of Chemistry and Biology, University of Missouri. He will discuss synthetic membrane active molecules based on crown ethers and their synergistic activity with common antibiotics.

    Additional Information: Patty Lumley, 852-6347.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement