Sept. 23, 2014 announcements



    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on Sept. 22, 2014:

    ·        VIDEO: Didn’t make it to The Spectacular? Watch it here.

    ·        VIDEO: Transylvania’s got nothin’ on us. Watch us “Shake It Off” here.

    ·        UofL graduate entrepreneurship listed in Top 25. Read more.

    ·        Renovated med school building officially opens. Read more.






    The 2014 Homecoming schedule includes the first parade in 15 years, a celebration on the Belle of Louisville during the Centennial Festival of Riverboats, awards ceremonies, a golf scramble, and tailgating. For details, visit this website.




    Campus-Submitted Announcement List

    Tuesday Flu Shot Schedule

    1.) Tuesday, Sept. 23


    2.) Come to tonight’s HSC Town Hall meeting


    3.) Pride Week Tuesday events

    4.) Everyone invited to the Cardinal Hoedown square dance

    Health & Wellness

    5.) InCycle indoor cycling is back

    Human Resources

    6.) How to manage dual career families

    7.) How to help with first year college success

    Faculty Only

    8.) Faculty: Last chance to register for “Appy Hour”


    9.) Learn more about the JCPS application process

    10.) Axton Reading Series kicks off with poet Chelsey Minnis

    11.) Learn more about the MPH at this information session

    12.) Join the new MedEdResearch Listserv

    13.) Come to the next Diálogos Latin American Philosophy reading group


    14.) Working with LGBT patients

    Grand Rounds

    15.) Endocrinology

    16.) Health Science Educator I



    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    Tuesday Flu Shot Schedule

    1.) Tuesday, Sept. 23

    Free flu shots for students, faculty, and staff today on both campuses!

    Students, faculty, and staff can get free flu shots through Campus Health Services ($5 for retirees) today.

    ·        HSC: 11:00 am- 3:00 pm Kornhauser Auditorium (We can vaccinate at the top of the stairs for those with mobility challenges.)

    ·        Belknap: 10:00 am- 2:00 pm Miller IT lower level and 4:30-7:00 pm in Unitas Tower

    A full schedule and a consent form are at  Download, print and complete the consent form for fastest service. You must have your UofL ID with you to get a free flu shot.



    2.) Come to tonight’s HSC Town Hall meeting

    Sept. 23, 5 p.m., HSC Auditorium

    Join David Dunn, executive vice president for health affairs, and the deans of the four health-related schools at a Town Hall meeting. Dunn and the deans will each provide short status reports and then open the floor to questions. Pizza, water and soft drinks will be served at the conclusion of the session, approximately 5:30 p.m.



    3.) Pride Week Tuesday events

    Sept. 23

    WERK IT!: Career Exploration and Preparation for LGBTQ+ Students Panel Discussion, SAC, Campus Visit Room-W310B, Noon; Queer Mindfulness, Cultural Center, Multipurpose Room, 3 p.m.; Masculinity/Femininity  documentary film and dialogue: Floyd Theatre, 6 p.m.

    Additional Information: Complete PRIDE Week schedule here.


    4.) Everyone invited to the Cardinal Hoedown square dance

    Sept. 25, 7 to 10 p.m., Red Barn

    $5; all proceeds donated to Camp Quality Kentuckiana; open to the public

    Get your cowboy boots out! Join the Honors Student Council at our first annual Cardinal Hoedown. Proceeds will be donated to Camp Quality Kentuckiana—an organization that provides summer camp opportunities for children with cancer. No prior dance knowledge is necessary! A square dance lesson will precede the event. Plus, there will be games, a photo booth and refreshments.

    Additional Information: Ketti Tonnemacher, 852-1536.


    Health & Wellness

    5.) InCycle indoor cycling is back

    Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30 to 6:15 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center, Studio C, 601 Presidents Blvd.

    Free, UofL employees, retirees and their spouse/QA

    The very best of indoor cycling is back. Join the fun, without the hazards of the road, inclement weather and ravenous dogs! Prepare to SWEAT! Ideal for all fitness levels.

    Additional Information: Enrollment form,, 852-7755.


    Human Resources

    6.) How to manage dual career families

    Oct. 8, 2 p.m., Human Resources 103A


    How do you set appropriate boundaries and manage expectations to achieve a greater balance between work and family? How do you learn to recognize the signs of burnout and stress? Participants will learn the importance of streamlining, communicating, setting priorities, and delegating in order to achieve greater balance and an enhanced quality of life.

    Additional Information: Registration.


    7.) How to help with first year college success

    Oct. 9, 3 p.m., Human Resources 103A


    “It’s not what you say but how you show it.” First year students are little caterpillars who need guidance and counseling. Once they receive that guidance they can eventually blossom in beautiful butterflies and change the world. Who will help them with their transformation?? This training session will explore the transformation stages in a first year student’s life and ways you can be a part of that process.

    Additional Information: Registration.


    Faculty Only

    8.) Faculty: Last chance to register for “Appy Hour”

    Sept. 25, 3 to 5 p.m., Delphi Lab, Ekstrom Library

    Come visit our “Appy Hour” open house and join us for informal conversation about how mobile apps are being used across the curriculum and changing the way we teach our students. Share your favorite iOS or Android apps along with your success story. See what your colleagues are doing with mobile apps both in and out of the classroom. Beverages and hors d’oeuvres will be served so pre-registration is required.

    Additional Information: Website.



    9.) Learn more about the JCPS application process

    Oct. 9, 10 a.m., Human Resources 103A


    Jonathan Lowe from Jefferson County Public Schools will present information on the application process for elementary, middle, and high school students in Jefferson County. This presentation will be especially helpful for those who have children going into kindergarten. You won’t want to miss this if you have questions about applying and sending your child to JCPS.

    Additional Information: Registration.


    10.) Axton Reading Series kicks off with poet Chelsey Minnis

    Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m., Ekstrom Library, Bingham Poetry Room

    Free, open to the public

    The Axton Visiting Writers Series, sponsored by the English Department, kicks off with a poetry reading by Chelsey Minnis, author of _Bad Bad_. Her poetry has been described as accessible, confrontational, hilarious, occasionally shocking, never ever dull and often extremely moving. The day after her reading (9/26), Minnis will give a master class reviewing student manuscripts from 10 AM-noon in Bingham 300 (Belknap Campus). Both reading and master class are free and open to the public.

    Additional Information: Website.


    11.) Learn more about the MPH at this information session

    Oct. 16, 12:15 to 1 p.m., Ekstrom Library, Room W210

    Are you interested in learning more about the Master of Public Health (MPH) program? Applications for Fall 2015 are currently being accepted. Lunch will be provided at this information program for those that RSVP by Oct. 13 to

    Additional Information: Tammi Alvey Thomas.


    12.) Join the new MedEdResearch Listserv

    UofL has a strong and growing community of medical education researchers. In order to engage this community and improve communication and collaboration within and across departments, a MedEdResearch Listserv has been created. The purpose of the listserv is to: promote discussion and problem solving of issues related to medical education, facilitate networking among colleagues who share common interests or expertise related to medical education, and disseminate information about resources related to medical education development and research interests. For more information or to be added to the listserv please contact


    13.) Come to the next Diálogos Latin American Philosophy reading group

    Sept. 24, noon to 1:30 p.m., Ekstrom 409


    This is the second meeting of the Latin American philosophy reading group. We will be discussing Latin American Philosophy, by Susana Nuccetelli and The Actual Function of Philosophy in Latin America, by Leopoldo Zea. Note room change from last time.

    Additional Information: Readings available for download here.



    14.) Working with LGBT patients

    Sept. 24, 2 to 3 p.m., Abell 110

    The topic will be “Working with LGBT Patients: A practical, skills-based training for health professionals,” by Dr. John Davis. In this interactive workshop, Dr. Davis will present the LGBT and DSD-affected Curriculum Integration Objectives developed within the Association of the American Medical Colleges and provide practical examples of how they can be implemented into existing curriculum. Participants from various health professions (nursing, dental, medical) will have the opportunity to identify crucial skills needed in their given clinical setting, and develop profession-specific plans for implementation. 1.0 CME credit offered.

    Additional Information: RSVP to Emily Carr.


    Grand Rounds

    15.) Endocrinology

    Sept. 24, 4 p.m., Baxter II Research Building, lower level, Room 038

    Please join us as Sri Prakash L. Mokshagundam, MD, UofL associate clinical professor of medicine, division of endocrinology, metabolism and diabetes, presents, “Type 1 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease.”

    Additional Information: Kelly Galiette , 852-5237.


    16.) Health Science Educator I

    Sept. 24, noon to 1 p.m., Kornhauser Auditorium

    The topic will be “A Leader’s Role in Addressing LGBT Health,” by Dr. John Davis. He will speak to how engaged leadership has the ability to integrate LGBT inclusion into education, patient care, faculty affairs and policies. This session aims to empower leaders, including students and practitioners, to ensure LGBT inclusion by providing a clinically relevant overview of LGBT health disparities and their cost to healthcare, increasing awareness of the current gaps in LGBT academic medicine, and outlining easy wins for leadership to integrate and evaluate LGBT initiatives at their own institutions. 1.0 CME credit offered. Lunch will be served.

    Additional Information: RSVP to Emily Carr.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement