Sept. 4, 2014 announcements


    Here’s what was posted to UofL Today on Sept. 3, 2014:


    ·        UofL planetarium to unveil ‘Dynamic Earth’ this weekend. Read more.

    ·        Join Darrell Griffith for free CPR-training event at UofL on Sept. 11. Read more.






    Cards All In ambassadors and staff were on campus during welcome week and collected approximately 100 new pledges for this comprehensive, peer-to-peer giving campaign. All the pledges go to the fund of the donor’s choice. If you didn’t have an opportunity to stop by or would like to find out more about this new program, please visit



    Campus-Submitted Announcement List

    Today’s farmers markets

    1.) Gray Street

    2.) Belknap


    3.) Tickets for first Mainstage Theatre Arts production on sale now

    4.) School of Music kicks off 2014-2015 concert season

    Health & Wellness

    5.) First Friday Line Dancing: Spread your Cardinal Wings!

    Human Resources

    6.) Register for the SuccessfUL Supervisor Series

    7.) Fall 2014 Human Resources Training Catalog available

    8.) Learn to protecting yourself in a cyber world

    9.) Get in shape with financial fitness

    10.) Learn online reputation management

    11.) Learn budget-friendly strategies to recognize and engage employees


    12.) UClub offers open dining during September

    13.) Roman Catholic Mass available on Belknap Campus

    14.) Come to Garden Commons workday

    15.) Gear up for the GRE in this workshop

    16.) Last call for animal lovers


    17.) Chemistry Seminar

    Grand Rounds

    18.) Pediatrics

    19.) Orthopaedic Surgery

    20.) Family and Geriatric Medicine

    21.) Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health

    22.) Psychiatry



    Campus-Submitted Announcements


    Today’s farmers markets: Watermelon, wind chimes and whole grains

    1.) Gray Street

    Thursdays through Oct. 30, 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., 400 block of E. Gray Street, rain or shine

    Some items available today will include: peaches, raspberries, watermelon, cucumbers, cantaloupe, corn, beets, kale, tomatoes, peppers, apples, shellie beans, butternut squash, pie pumpkins, whole grain bread, cookies, all-natural dog biscuits, tomato pies, turnovers, hot chocolate zucchini bread, vegetable pancakes, miso noodles, potted plants, artisan cheeses. Lunch options are Sweet ‘N’ Savory and Red Top Gourmet Hot Dogs.  

    Additional Information:; Website.


    2.) Belknap

    Thursdays through Oct. 16, 3:30 to 6 p.m., 3rd and Brandeis, rain or shine

    Some items available today include: apples, peaches, kale, honey, watermelon, cantaloupe, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, kale, butternut squash, salad mix, fruit turnovers, cookies, gourmet chocolates, breads, vegetable pancakes, miso noodles. Also Good Scents natural products, Wind Chimes by Bruce, Mr. G’s Kettle Corn and locally made tea.

    Additional Information:



    3.) Tickets for first Mainstage Theatre Arts production on sale now

    Studio Arts Building, Room 125

    Faculty/Staff/Students/Alumni: $12; Public: $15

    Tickets are on sale for our first 2014-2015 Mainstage production, “Eda.” Written by Obotunde Ijimere, translated by Ulli Beier and directed by Nefertiti Burton, this show is the Yoruba version of the medieval morality play Everyman. Tickets can be purchased Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (phone: (502) 852-6814). Performances: 8 p.m. September 24, 25, 26, 28, 29 (industry night), and also at 3 p.m. September 28.

    Additional Information: Melanie Henry, 852-7682.


    4.) School of Music kicks off 2014-2015 concert season

    The School of Music will kick off its 2014-2015 concert season with its annual Faculty Gala concert at 8 p.m., Sept. 5 in Comstock Concert Hall on Belknap Campus. Over 20 faculty artists will perform in both solo and chamber music ensemble settings. Performances will feature music from the 1800s to the present. Tickets are $15 for general admission and $5 for students with ID.

    Additional Information at and 852-6907.


    Health & Wellness

    5.) First Friday Line Dancing: Spread your Cardinal Wings!

    Sept. 5, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Get Healthy Now Wellness Center at Humana Gym, Studio A

    Free for employees, retirees and their spouse/QA

    Spread your Cardinal wings and dance! Join us for the September First Friday line dancing event that’s sure to make you bust a move. Join Get Healthy Now and the Great Place to Work Campus Climate Committee for a fun hour of dancing with your UofL colleagues. Check out this short video, grab your (comfortable) dancing shoes, invite your colleagues and come kick off your weekend with some fun.

    Additional Information: 852-7755 or email


    Human Resources

    6.) Register for the SuccessfUL Supervisor Series

    Wednesdays from Oct. 1 to Dec. 10, 9 a.m. to noon, Delphi Center Lab, Ekstrom 244


    The Delphi Center and HR is accepting registrations for Fall 2014 Successful Supervisor Series. The curriculum is designed to help new and experienced supervisors enhance their skills and bring greater value to the university. Enrollment is limited and the class is filling quickly, so register today!

    Additional Information: Visit this link to register or for more information or contact Alex Bryant, 852-4620.


    7.) Fall 2014 Human Resources Training Catalog available


    The Office of Staff Development and Employee Relations is excited to announce the Fall 2014 HR Training Catalog is available. Please take a few moments to browse our diverse portfolio of professional and personal development sessions. Feel free to share with your UofL friends and colleagues. Remember, HR training courses are free, so make sure you come check us out!

    Additional Information: Website. Questions to


    8.) Learn to protecting yourself in a cyber world

    Sept. 16, 10 a.m., Human Resources, 103A


    Brenda Gombowsky and Lisa Cooper from Information Technology will lead this important session on protecting yourself in a cyber world. This session will give you necessary tips to arming yourself online against security issues. Topics include: identity theft, laws and regulations, wireless usage and a variety of other issues. If you surf the web, you want to be here.

    Additional Information: Registration. Questions to


    9.) Get in shape with financial fitness

    Sept. 17, 2 p.m., Human Resources, 103A


    Are you ready to get your finances set? Tired of worrying about money and budgets? We can help. In this financial fitness class come learn the basic principles of cash management. Discover what the roadblocks are to most people’s financial success and how to avoid them. Understand how to plan for accumulating wealth and the importance of having a financial blueprint.

    Additional Information: Registration. Questions to


    10.) Learn online reputation management

    Sept. 18, 9:30 a.m., Human Resources, 103A


    In this session we will show you how information is being used online. How social media impacts you and how others use Google, social networks and other sites to learn about you. We will also show you how to manage your reputation and learn to leverage the internet to improve your reputation.

    Additional Information: Registration. Questions to


    11.) Learn budget-friendly strategies to recognize and engage employees

    Sept. 24, 10:30 a.m., Human Resources, 103A


    Are you looking to improve staff morale? Don’t think you have the money or the creativity? Come learn from the staff at Metropolitan College on how to foster a unique environment to promote staff morale and collaboration across institutional departments. Come learn about effective, fun and budget-friendly strategies to recognize and engage employees. The presentation will demonstrate that with a little creativity and imagination, staff morale can be enhanced. You don’t want to miss!

    Additional Information: Registration. Questions to



    12.) UClub offers open dining during September

    University Club, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    $5.95 to $12.50

    All University of Louisville faculty and staff are invited to come to the University Club for open dining during the month of September. Take advantage of this opportunity to try out the club and experience fine, yet affordable dining in a welcoming atmosphere. Call for reservations, 852-6996.

    Additional Information: Linda F. Johnson, 852-6996,


    13.) Roman Catholic Mass available on Belknap Campus

    Interfaith Center

    Weekly Mass available Tuesdays at 5 p.m., Thursdays  at 12:05 p.m., Sundays at 5 p.m.

    Additional Information:


    14.) Come to Garden Commons workday

    Sept. 5, 4 to 5 p.m., Garden Commons (next to the Cultural Center)

    The Garden Commons is open to participation throughout the year from students, staff, faculty, and community members. As a group we will pull weeds, water, plant fall seeds, and harvest. No prior experience necessary. Tools and gloves provided. Dress to get dirty.

    Additional Information: Facebook; Tamara Russell, 852-6656.


    15.) Gear up for the GRE in this workshop

    Preregistration due Friday; workshop Sept. 13, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Bingham Humanities Building, Room 205


    Reminder: Preregistration and payment are due Friday for the GRE workshop/lunch/practice exam to be held on September 13. Forward payment to Psi Chi, 317 Life Sciences, Belknap Campus. Include “GRE Workshop,” your name and email, as well as sandwich selection: ham, turkey, roast beef or veggie. Registration details will be emailed to you and must be completed by September 9 to ensure receipt of your exam ID and Kaplan packet.

    Additional Information: Melinda Leonard.


    16.) Last call for animal lovers

    Donations due by Friday, 4:30 p.m., Houchens 32

    Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to drop off donations for the Animal Protection Association. If you have donations, please bring them to Houchens Room 32. Questions or concerns, contact Julie Oechsli,  852-1489.

    Additional Information: Julie Oechsli, 852-1489; Stephanie Bell. 852-2138.



    17.) Chemistry Seminar

    Sept. 5, 4 p.m., Chemistry Building, Room LL-16

    Free, public

    Oleg Ozerov, PhD, department of chemistry, Texas A&M University, will present Reaction Discovery With Pincer Complexes.

    Additional information: Sherry Nalley, 852-6798.


    Grand Rounds

    18.) Pediatrics

    Sept. 5, 8 a.m., Norton Hospital, 2nd Floor Auditorium

    Please join us for a Pediatric Grand Rounds featuring Tao Le, MD. Le is a clinical associate professor and UofL chief of allergy and immunology in the Department of Medicine. He will be presenting “Effective Teaching with Technology” and will be discussing the learning needs of millennials, common types of learning technology and application of those learning technologies.

    Additional Information: Brittney Luckett, 629-8828.


    19.) Orthopaedic Surgery

    Sept. 5, 6:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., Baxter I Research Building, auditorium, lower level

    Please join the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery as we welcome Tad D. Seifert, MD, with Norton Neurology Services. Dr. Seifert will lecture on Concussion in Sport: Recognition, Management and Pitfalls.” At the conclusion of this lecture, participants will be able to identify potential short- and long-term complications of concussions, discuss the on-field and sideline evaluation of the concussed athlete and apply current return-to-play guidelines in clinical practice.

    Additional Information: Monica Welsh, 852-6902.


    20.) Family and Geriatric Medicine

    Sept. 5, 7:30 to 8:30 a.m., Bottigheimer Auditorium

    Mike Hosokawa, professor, University of Missouri School of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine, presents The Future of Medical Education is Now. He will assess the changing roles and responsibilities of medical school faculty; identify and discuss the dilemmas in medical education; and discuss the concept of developing a compass rather than a map for program development.

    Additional Information: Callie Booth.


    21.) Obstetrics, Gynocolgy and Women’s Health

    Sept. 5, 1 to 2 p.m., Ambulatory Care Building, Auditorium

    Sarah Todd, MD, UofL Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, will present Exercising for Two: Staying Active During/After Pregnancy. She will review current recommendations on physical activity during/after pregnancy and clinical guidelines for occupational lifting in pregnancy. Also, she will discuss methods of promoting exercise during/after pregnancy and certain aspects of pregnancy discrimination.

    Additional Information: Susan Jackson, 561-7449.


    22.) Psychiatry

    Sept. 4, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Ambulatory Care Building Auditorium

    Erik Goodwyn, MD, UofL instructor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, will present “The Restless Dead: Cross Cultural Perspectives on Death and Mourning.”

    Additional Information: Christy Castle-Greenwell, 588-4424.



    Direct questions about UofL Today to Janet Cappiello, 852-1104, or the Office of Communications and Marketing, 852-6171. The deadline for including a submission in the next day’s UofL Today email is noon.

    Submit an announcement