University of Louisville administrators recognized 351 employees with 6,765 years of combined experience for their service at the 26th Annual Staff Recognition Luncheon Friday, Sept. 26.
President James Ramsey addressed the employees and their supervisors at the event, which took place at the Brown and Williamson Club at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium.
“There’s no way for us to truly express our appreciation…for everything you do,” Ramsey said.
Ramsey praised the staff particularly for their work the past year following a series of natural disasters, including Hurricane Ike in September 2008, an ice storm in January and, most recently, the Aug. 4 flood that devastated campus.
“You stepped forward and made sure we didn’t miss a beat,” he said.
Ramsey said as he toured the devastation, he was encouraged by the positive attitude of the flood workers.
“Many of you told me, ‘Doc, don’t worry. We‘ll be ready for the start of the fall semester’,” he said. “And we were.”
UofL staff receive recognition after having worked 10 years and for every five years after that. Everyone at the luncheon received a certificate and can choose a commemorative gift. They also get the rest of the day off.
Four employees were honored for having worked at UofL for 40 years. They are:
Clarence Johnson
Health Sciences Center Physical Plant

Clarence Johnson
He may officially be celebrating his 40th anniversary, but Clarence Johnson has been associated with UofL much longer.
“I was a ballboy for the football team when Lenny Lyles played,” he said. “I didn’t know I would end up here.”
Johnson has been a custodian “all over the campus,” he said, including stints on Belknap Campus, then downtown at the Health Sciences Center. He currently handles “everything that comes up” at the School of Public Health and Information Sciences.
His reasons for coming to UofL were simple: “It was a job, and I was happy to have work,” he said. “I was happy to be here. Still am.”
And he has no plans to retire.
“I’ll be here as long as God blesses me with my health and strength,” he said. “As long as my doctor lets me.”
Betsy Jones
Design and Printing Services

Betsy Jones
Chances are, you’ve seen Betsy Jones’ work.
She has worked in Design and Printing Services for the past 15 years, after serving a quarter century in the Urban Studies Center. In IT, she runs digital printing equipment.
Working at UofL “is the only job I’ve ever had,” she said. “I love my job. I’ve never wanted another one.”
Jones has seen many changes in the IT organization and in the services her office provides. One thing hasn’t changed, though.
“You stand on your feet a lot,” she said.
That constant standing contributed to a knee replacement this summer. In fact, Jones said after taking two months off for the surgery, she planned to go back to work rather than take the half-day off traditionally granted to the honorees. And she plans to work as long as she can.
“I’m probably going to work until I can’t anymore,” she said. “I doubt I’ll make it to 50 (years), though.”
Leanne Whitney
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Leanne Whitney
As program coordinator for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Leanne Whitney is responsible for “a little bit of everything,” ranging from coordinating advising and schedules to working on accreditation for the program’s bachelor’s degree program.
But she’s not complaining. “It’s not such a bad place to be,” she said.
Actually, she loves her work, and the support and friendship of her colleagues has been invaluable to her over the years, Whitney said. “I appreciate and love all the people here.”
Whitney laughed at the thought of planning a 40-year stay at Speed School. But she emphasized that, although she has thought about leaving, that’s not in her immediate plans.
“I’ve got students now who are the children of some of our former students,” she said. “When the grandchildren start coming in, I’ll know it’s my time to go.”
Lorrie Winfrey

Lorrie Winfrey
Lorrie Winfrey actually celebrated her 41st anniversary earlier this month. But she recalls that when she came to UofL she had no long-term plans to stay.
If someone had told her when she started work that she’d be here 40 years later, “I wouldn’t have believed it,” she said. “It’s one of those things that just happened.“
Winfrey began her career in purchasing at the Health Sciences Center but moved to Belknap Campus 10 years later.
In her current role as assistant director of purchasing, she supervises the university’s pro card and materials inventory functions and handles all personal services contracts, among other duties.
She said she most appreciates the relationships she’s built with her co-workers and others around campus. And she’s in no hurry to leave her post.
“I’m here for a little while longer,” she said. “I’m still enjoying it.”
Other Staff Recognized
35 Years, 21 employees with a combined 735 years of service
Margaret Biegert, Molecular, Cellular and Craniofacial Biology
Dora Bir, Department of Medicine Administration
Mildred Gaither, Purchasing
James Caswell, Belknap Administration
Bud Conley, Belknap Administration
Michael Curtin, Office of the Vice President for Finance
Sandy von Hoven, Speed School of Engineering Office of Academic Affairs
Karen Howe, Office of the Provost
Debbie Krause, Surgery
Jo Ann Mattingly, Dental Clinic Support
William Melhart, IT Technology Support Services
Jody Morkin, College of Education and Human Development Advising Center
Alice Radmacher, IT Technology Support Services
Kathy Tronzo, Athletics Support Services
Donna Walton, Child and Youth Project
Cindy Wentworth, University Advancement Administration
Barbara Whitener, University Libraries – Reference
Roxie Ann Williams, Orthodontics, Pediatric and Geriatric Dentistry
Ada Willis, Belknap Administration
Rebecca Wimberg, School of Law Administration
Doreen Wood, Parking Administration
30 Years, 42 employees with a combined 1,260 years of service
Linda Aldridge, Renal Medicine
Gary Baron, Microbiology
Donna Barrett, Purchasing
Janet Batik, Office of the Provost
Carlton Bean, HSC Administration
Steve Bottorff, HSC Administration
Cynthia Brown, Renal
Richard Brown, Public Safety
Valerie Browning, Career Development Center
Bill Carner, University Libraries Special Collections
Debbie Carrico, Dental Clinic Support
Sheila Childers, Financial Administration
Patricia Gordon Coan, Weisskopf Child Evaluation Center
Beverly Coleman, IT Finance and Administration
Al Davis, Belknap Interior/Exterior Maintenance
Denise Deal, Financial Aid
Marita Frank, Speed School of Engineering – Office of Academic Affairs
Donna Gibson, Ophthalmology/Visual Sciences
Janice Goodner, Human Resources
Dennis Keefe, Belknap Administration
Deborah James, International Center
Karen Black Johnson, IT Technology Support Services
Mary Johnson, Planning/Design/Construction
Ralph Kimbrough, Belknap Interior/Exterior Maintenance
Kim Lalley, Research Sponsored Program Development
Paula McDonald, Human Resources
Garry McGuffin, Belknap Administration
Dave Meyer, University Libraries Collection Management
Bill Monahan, Belknap Administration
Mary Moore, Renal Medicine
Sue Nilest, Renal Medicine
Larry O’Bryan, Belknap Interior/Exterior Maintenance
Lucy O’Farrill, College of Arts and Sciences – Classical and Modern Languages
Sandy Otto, Office of the Registrar
Mitchell Payne, Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs
Kim Peckinpaugh, IT Communication Services
Lori Ratanapool, School of Medicine Dean’s Office
Joseph Rhodes, Biomedical Engineering
Susan Hurd Rhodes, Office of the Vice President for Community Engagement
Donna Smith, Office of the President Administrative Support Services
Nellie Taylor, Belknap Interior/Exterior Maintenance
Deborah Vanderhoof, Pediatric Medical Education
ATHLETICS, six employees with a combined 85 years of service
10 Years
Mark Crabtree, men’s golf
John R Johnson, facilities operation
Sean Moth, support services
Kimberli Pemberton, support services
20 Years
Roger Barber, support services
25 Years
Nancy Allison Worley, support services
BUSINESS AFFAIRS, 63 employees with a combined 1,065 years of service
10 Years
Reynolds Ashford, HSC Administration
Alice Boyd, Belknap Administration
Jim Bratcher, Public Safety
Dylan Cahoe, HSC Administration
Daniel Crowe, Shelby Administration
Gerald Heckman, HSC Administration
Thomas Holt Sr., Belknap Administration
Joseph Jones, Postal Service
Lorene Kahao, Postal Service
Norma King, Belknap Administration
James McGuffin, Belknap Administration
Brian Miller, Belknap Administration
Curtis Monroe CPPB, Purchasing
Latoynia Moore, HSC Administration
Charlotte Numann, Purchasing
James Sanders, Belknap Administration
William Snorton, Belknap Electrical Operations
Brian Spencer, Public Safety
John Waggoner, Belknap Administration
George West, Public Safety
Charles Woods, Belknap Administration
15 Years
Tonya Ballard, Public Safety
Maurice Bradley, Belknap Administration
Kevin Graviss, Postal Service
Robert Laird, Belknap Administration
Kathy Strecker, Belknap Administration
Ronda Watt, Environmental Health and Safety
Joyce Winburn, Purchasing
20 Years
Kevin Allgeier, Belknap Administration
Bertha Bates, Belknap Administration
Gordon Bullock, HSC Administration
Matthew Claycomb, Belknap Administration
Lea Ann Colvin, Public Safety
Dennis Daunhauer, Belknap Administration
Rick Ellis, HSC Administration
Mark Gordon, Belknap Administration
Eulah Houchins, HSC Administration
Mark Houchins, Belknap Administration
Donald Johnson, HSC Administration
Darron Jones Sr., HSC Administration
Evon Ladd, HSC Administration
Arthur McConico, Athletic Facilities
Susie Mangrum, Belknap Administration
Carol Masden, Belknap Administration
Alan Oehler, HSC Administration
Dallas Payne, Belknap Administration
David Robards, Belknap Administration
Kevin Smith, HSC Administration
Elisa Stephens, Contract Vending Operations
Mary Turner, HSC Administration
Dave Veltman, Belknap Administration
Charles Williams, Belknap Administration
Leslie Wright, Public Safety
25 Years
Mike Ayres, Belknap Administration
Mary Baechle, Public Safety
Adam Davis, Belknap Administration
Cheri Hildreth, Environmental Health and Safety
Homer Holland, Belknap Administration
Charles Hutchison, Public Safety
Mark Pawley, Postal Service
Steve Popplewell, Belknap Administration
Terri Rutledge, Office of the VP for Business Affairs
Gene Simpson, HSC Administration
FINANCE, four employees with a combined 60 years of service
10 Years
John Barbee, Systems Administration
Lori Fehler, Finance
20 Years
Susan Ingram Howarth, Budget
Martyna Warren, Budget
HEALTH AFFAIRS, 103 employees with a combined 1,585 years of service
10 Years
Garyl Barlow, James Graham Brown Cancer Center
Debi Bauer, Pathology
Teresa Bivens, Medicare Compliance
Karen Brinkley, Renal Medicine
Angela Kay Brown, Medicare Compliance
Frances Chapman, Institute for Cellular Therapeutics
Constance Cummins, Cardiology
Bonnie Deppert, Pathology
Janice Ditslear, Research Resources Center
Paul Fultz, Continuing Education Medicine
Larisa Gilley, Cardiology
Suzanne Hibdon Gude, James Graham Brown Cancer Center
Becky Haire, Renal Medicine
Shirley Hale, Family and Geriatric Medicine
Bonita Hawkins, Anesthesiology
Marilyn Hornback, Renal Medicine
Ronna Howard, Weisskopf Child Evaluation Center
Mary Kennedy, Child and Youth Project
Amy Kiper, General Internal Medicine
Audrey Lee, Family and Geriatric Medicine
Tra’Nise Lloyd, Undergraduate Education
Karen Lott, Cardiovascular Innovation Institute
Laura Lott, Cardiovascular Innovation Institute
Judith Mayer, Family and Geriatric Medicine
Patrick Miller, Department of Medicine Administration
Melissa Morgenson, Liver Research
Sherrie Neuhauser, Pathology
Marlene Nguyen, Diagnostic Radiology
Charlotte Paez, James Graham Brown Cancer Center
Rebecca Patterson, Renal Medicine
Colleen Quinter, Institute for Cellular Therapeutics
Lisa Rucker, Neurology
Findy Samuels, Renal Medicine
Kathryn Sandman, School of Medicine Dean’s Office
Natsye Scott, Renal Medicine
Carol Stowers, School of Public Health & Information Sciences
Lynn Swartwood, Child and Youth Project
Carol Vanover, Research Resources Center
Stacy Wells, Research Resources Center
Anna Williford, General Surgery
Lori Wilson, Weisskopf Child Evaluation Center – STAR
Cary Woolard, Cardiovascular Innovation Institute
Rui Wu, Weisskopf Child Evaluation Center CytoLabv Mary Zahler, RN, Renal Medicine
Shelley Zhang, Pediatrics – Research Institute
15 Years
Dawn Avery, Dental Clinic Support
Dennis Boyd, Office of the Executive VP for Health Affairs
Angela Bryant, Research Resources Center
Diann Dickson, Diagnostic Sciences, Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry
Kim Downey, Neonatal Follow-up
Gary Dryden, School of Dentistry Administration
Maurice Eichenberger, Surgery
Sherree Goss, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Terri Hainline, Anesthesiologyv Glenda Jackson, School of Medicine Dean’s Office
Rhonda Lampton, Renal Medicine
Ming Li, Cardiovascular Innovation Institute
Chengliang Lu, Anatomical Science/Neurobiology
Cheryl Ratcliffe, Dental Clinic Support
Patricia Sibley, Dental Clinic Support
Carol Thomas, Psychology
Tonia Thomas, Medical Administration AHESv Recalia Wilson, Renal Medicine
Yi Zhang, Neurological Surgery
20 Years
Maggie Abby, Surgery
Patricia Alexander, Medical Administration AHES
Patricia Allen, Medical Administration AHES
Sheila Anderson, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Barbara Bishop, Pathology
Joseph Clinkenbeard, Research Resources Center
Ronda Duncan, Weisskopf Child Evaluation Center
Gisel Durry-Murphy, Physiology
Jamesetta Ferguson, Pathologyv Brian Fitzgerald, Pathology
Kimberly Holsclaw, School of Medicine Dean’s Office
Pam Temple Jennings, James Graham Brown Cancer Center
Kimberly Kays, School of Public Health and Information Sciences
Charlotte Kistner, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Janice Kron, Dental Clinic Support
Doreena Long-McArthur, Ophthalmology/Visual Sciences
Clysta Rhodes, Renal Medicine
Elisa Rice, Dental Clinic Support
Connie Sorrell, James Graham Brown Cancer Center
Kathy Stenger, School of Medicine Dean’s Office
Sheila Ward, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Michele Weaver, James Graham Brown Cancer Center
Barbara Sue Whitfill, Child and Youth Project
Jane Williams, Center for Genetics and Molecular Medicine
Jeanie Young, Weisskopf Child Evaluation Center
25 Years
Melissa Atkinson, School of Dentistry Administration
Cheryl Bickel, Radiation Oncology
Tina Clark, Weisskopf Child Evaluation Center CytoLab
Carolyn Gunn, Emergency Medicine
Gail Haynes, School of Medicine Dean’s Office
Carol Hurst, James Graham Brown Cancer Center
Uneena Jackson, Renal Medicine
Janyce Ke-McCue, School of Medicine Dean’s Office
Karen Kinkus, Weisskopf Child Evaluation Center
Linda Laubheimer, Biomedical Engineering
Lee Mingus, Child and Youth Project
Dianna O’Neal, Pediatric Sleep Medicine
Theresa Pendleton, Office of the Executive VP for Health Affairs
Joan Scott, Dental Research
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 18 employees with a combined 270 years of service
10 Years
Mitzie O’Rourke Coyle, Technology Support Services
Patrick Duvall, Communication Services
Ann Hobdy, Finance and Administration
Clifford Krause, Technology Support Services
Jack Stewart, Technology Support Services
Bob Thomasson, Technology Support Services
Robert Waters, Technology Support Services
15 Years
Shelia Marable, Design and Printing Services
Cheryl Monroe, Communication Services
Lisa Payne, Design and Printing Services
Henry Smith Jr., Instructional Support Services
Vivian Thurman, Technology Support Services
20 Years
Sharron Abernathy, Technology Support Services
Tracey Coke, Design and Printing Services
Kevin Condit, Communication Services
Mark Patrick, Communication Services
Michael Purcell, Technology Support Services
25 Years
Sherry Carey, Design and Printing Services
RESEARCH, four employees with a combined 65 years of service
10 Years
Elizabeth Diehl, Research
Pat Wolf, Research
20 Years
Lucy Overstreet, Sponsored Program Development
25 Years
Ann Marie Grinstead, Research
STUDENT AFFAIRS, 10 employees with a combined 155 years of service
10 Years
Sharon Mudd, Student Activities
Kathy Pendleton, PhD, Disability Resources Center
Robert Plienis, Disability Resources Center
Kim Shaver, Service Learning
15 Years
Kenny Quisenberry, Student Activities
Molly Anne Smith, Disability Resources
20 Years
Frank Nuxoll, Intramurals
David Shaw, Student Activities
Shannon Staten, Housing and Residence Life
25 Years
Shirley Hardy, Office of the VP for Student Affairs
UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT, six employees with a combined 105 years of service
10 Years
Mary King, Administration
Rhonda Reece Woosley, Administration
20 Years
Catherine Burnside, Administration
Dwight Dozier, Administration
Donna O’Donnell, Administration
25 Years
Denise Fitzpatrick, Communications and Marketing
HUMAN RESOURCES, six employees with a combined 90 years of service
10 Years
Richard Brown, Human Resources
Judy Clark, Human Resources
Deborah Wilt, Human Resources
15 Years
Bonnie Cissell, Human Resources
20 Years
Evangelene Holt, Human Resources
25 Years
Linda Lynch, Human Resources
PROVOST, 68 employees with a combined 1,080 years of service
10 Years
James Adler, Kornhauser Library
Kirsten Armstrong, College of Education and Human Development Advising Center
Kathy Brashear, Office of the Provost
Nancy Bruner, Center for Family Resource Development
Luke Buckman, College of Arts and Sciences Honor’s Program
Dennie Carter, Center for Family Resource Development
Tonja Craig, College of Education and Human Development
Kira Hazelwood, College of Arts and Sciences Honor’s Program
Bonnie Hennessy, Office of the Registrar
Stephanie Hilpp, College of Education and Human Development Academic Support
Madonna Johnson, Metropolitan College
Courtney Kerr, School of Interdisciplinary and Graduate Studies Administration
Lars Larson, College of Arts and Sciences – Chemistry
Rebecca Ledford, College of Arts and Sciences Academic Advising Center
Lauren May, College of Arts and Sciences Academic Advising Center
Doris Meadows, College of Arts and Sciences – Biology
Ann Meyer, College of Business
George Poling, Metropolitan College
Mary Karen Powers, Women’s Center
John Ralston, College of Business – Labor Management Center
Jan Rayburn, College of Arts and Sciences – Women’s and Gender Studies
Anthony Robinson, College of Arts and Sciences Honor’s Program
Tammy Sexton, Law Library
Melissa Stordeur, College of Arts and Sciences Honor’s Program
Janna Tajibaeva, College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office
Sandy Wade, College of Arts and Sciences – Justice Administration
15 Years
Joyce Borders, Kent School of Social Work Administration
Linda Clark, Technical Services
Donald Dean, Music Library
Leigh Ann Elles, Speed School of Engineering – Engineering Fundamentals
Felix Garza, Kornhauser Library
Jeanie Habich, Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning
Barbara Kinney, College of Education and Human Development – Teaching and Learning
Michael Martin, Speed School of Engineering – Lutz Micro Fabrication Lab
Carolyn Nichols, School of Music Administration
Debra Reh, School of Law – Career Services
Ron Schildknecht, Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning
Shelly Schroll, College of Arts and Sciences – Mathematics
Jina Scinta, School of Law – Public Service
Nora Allen Scobie, UGA Administrationv Marian Vasser, College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office
20 Years
Alice Abbott-Moore, University Libraries – Circulation
Susan Best, Speed School of Engineering – Engineering Fundamentals
John Burton, Technical Services
Karen Seng Carrow, UGA Administration
Mark Dickson, Music Library
Angela Keene, School of Music Administration
Mary Marlatt, Kornhauser Library
David Minton, Law Libraryv Laurie Naiser, Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning
Kathleen Raisor, College of Business
Kristen Taxes Roy, Admissions
Eric Schneider, Urban and Public Affairs
Jacqueline Sidney, UGA Administration
Chandra Stroud, College of Arts and Sciences – Pan African Studies
Charlene Olivia Taylor, School of Law – Admissions
Miggeletta Wade, Financial Aid
25 Years
Laura Ahrens, College of Business
Linda Exton, Kent School Administration
Ronald Lile, Speed School of Engineering – Computer Engineering and Computer Science
Sharon Mader, College of Arts and Sciences Academic Advising Center
Rodica McCoy, Speed School of Engineering – Materials
Virginia Katherine Redman, College of Education and Human Development – Teaching and Learning
Margaret Rohmann, College of Arts and Sciences Academic Advising Center
Thomas Sawyer, Urban and Public Affairs
Carol Warren, College of Business
Pat Waters, Technical Services
Carol Vitzenty, Kornhauser Library
20 Years
Debbie Dougherty, Boards