The morning of June 10, its bronze sculpture of three children flying a kite at 571 S. Floyd St. was adorned with hand-knitted scarves and hats.

According to Wikipedia, yarn bombing is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted cloth rather than paint or chalk. International Yarn Bombing Day was founded by Alberta-based knitter Joann Matvichuk.

“I think we can take this early hit as a compliment, recognition of the work we have been able to accomplish with the help of Kosair Charities, who funds so much of the work that we do for children,” said UofL Pediatrics Chairman Gerard Rabalais. “The hand-knitted scarves and hats are lovely, if a little warm for today’s weather, but that’s part of the fun! I hope a child en route to a doctor’s visit or stay at Kosair Children’s Hospital, sees the yarn bomb and gets a kick out it.”