We’re going vertical to show support for UofL employee Steve Lindsey! Steve has worked for IT in some manner at UofL for almost 33 years. On May 7, 2015, Steve got the call that saved his life – a donor had been found for his bi-lateral lung transplant. Sitting at his desk surrounded by the oxygen tanks that had become a staple fixture in his cubicle within Information Technology, he and his wife, Lisa (also a UofL IT employee), left immediately for the hospital with the entire staff wishing him luck.
With a disease known as Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, diagnosed two years earlier, the deep tissue in Steve’s lungs had become thick, stiff and scarred making breathing difficult. As many people live only about three to five years after diagnosis, the double lung replacement was necessary.
“I can count on my hands the number of days I’d previously been out sick,” says Steve about all of his time at UofL prior to 2013. Now back to full-time employee status after a gradual return, he epitomizes why we climb for the Fight for Air. And we climb because Steve is climbing with us!
By continuing his rehabilitation and a diet/fitness regimen, Steve is ready to rise to this challenge in order to promote lung health. He participated for UofL in the American Heart Association Walk and has done a few other charity fitness events. To the American Lung Association he is a great example of giving back as he demonstrates how research to learn more about IPF improves the lifespan of those individuals who have the disease. And finally, he is participating because he is truly thankful to all of the doctors, nurses and caregivers who work tirelessly for all of those impacted by different lung diseases.
To help in this challenge, the folks with the UofL employee wellness program, Get Healthy Now, are scheduling workouts and training at the Humana Gym. You can check out the related fitness events at louisville.edu/gethealthynow/events/fight-for-air-climb or their Facebook page, facebook.com/ULghn. As a Cardinal Climber team member, you can attend practice climbs every Saturday in January at the downtown Hyatt Regency.
We’re asking you to join our team, help us fundraise and support the cause because Steve is the best example of why everyone should Fight for Air. Everyone is welcome to be part of this great cause – anyone that climb the stairs to everyone wanting to support the cause.
Go the distance! Join Steve by signing up for our team. Cardinal Climbers
Step it up! Even if you don’t participate, you can still support the Cardinal Climbers by making a donation. Every dollar makes a difference. Cardinal Climbers