As much as these titles describe and apply to the work that happens at the University of Louisville, they don’t get to the essence of what makes UofL unique — its people.

Once or twice a month, UofL Today profiles people who help to make the university what it is.

Name: Mordean Taylor-Archer, PhD

UofL title and department: vice provost for diversity and international affairs

At UofL since: August 2001

Hometown: North Little Rock/Maumelle, Ark., in a small community called Marche.

First job and what I learned from it: I was a quality control inspector for Timex. I had to check every watch that came off the line to make sure the mechanisms worked properly. What I learned is the importance of paying attention to detail and that all the mechanisms have to be in place and work together to keep ticking.

The thing I like most about what I do: the opportunity to work collaboratively with others on campus and in the community to advance diversity and advocate for equity and social justice.

I am: married to my soul mate and best friend.

I never: intentionally hurt people.

Guilty pleasure: sweets, especially bubble gum and ice cream.

Favorite book: I enjoy reading too many to pick just one, but my recent recommendations are “The Shack” by William Young and “Peace from Broken Pieces” by Iyanla VanZandt.

Favorite TV show: anything on HGTV.

In the car I listen to: NPR when my husband is in the car; when I’m alone, I listen to smooth R&B on FM 101.3.

Favorite quote: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” from the Bible, and “We must be the change we wish to see in the world,” Gandhi

These animals share my world: Stuffed teddy bears. I’m not a fan of live pets!

My day begins: with prayer.

I wish I had more time to: travel the world.

When I’m not cheering for the Cards, I’m cheering for: LeBron James and the Miami Heat. Before that, LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers. Do you detect a pattern here?

Most Friday nights you’ll find me: cleaning the house and doing laundry so that I can enjoy the rest of the weekend with my husband, Dwain Archer.

If my life were a movie: “Soul Food,” because regardless of the struggles and challenges, I honor the traditions, spiritual base, and the bonds that exist within family. I recall as a child, each Sunday we would all gather at my grandparents’ home for the delicious soul food dinner my grandmother had prepared. My mother continued the tradition after Grandma passed. And now my sister is continuing it whenever we are all together.

Anything else you’d like the UofL community to know: While Dwain and I do not have biological children, we consider the 22,000-plus students at UofL as a part of our extended family. I am passionate about serving students. As John D. O’Bryant said, “If you’re not here to serve the students, you’re in the wrong place!”