LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Brian Buford, assistant provost for diversity and executive director for the LGBT Center at the University of Louisville, will serve as the grand marshal for the 2017 PRIDE Parade in Louisville.
The parade, sponsored by the Kentuckiana Pride Foundation, is 7-9 p.m. Friday, June 16. The parade travels Main Street from Floyd to Fifth Streets. The annual Pride Festival begins at the Belvedere when the parade ends.
The LGBT Center is encouraging supporters to march together in the parade. The UofL group will meet at 6 p.m. at the corner of Floyd and Market streets. Participants are encouraged to wear UofL colors, and rainbow accessories are optional. Participants can bring signs, including those denoting your division, school and departments.
UofL’s participation in the parade will also kick off a year-long celebration of the center. Under Buford’s leadership, UofL opened a staffed LGBT Center in 2007, the first of its kind in Kentucky. Buford’s work has led the university to national recognition – in 2014 UofL received a 5-star ranking on the Campus Pride Index and has been ranked in the top 30 each year since. Last year, UofL jumped into the top 16.
As assistant provost, Brian guides university departments in creating diversity plans and reviewing progress toward goals; develops and delivers diversity training; serves as chair of the Bias Incident Response Team; and advises the administration on campus climate issues and concerns. He is an adjunct faculty member in the College of Education and Human Development, Educational and Counseling Psychology Department, and a trainer/consultant for the Delphi Center for Teaching and Learning. In 2016 Buford was appointed to the National Diversity Advisory Council for the American Red Cross and also established a university scholarship for undocumented students. He provides training and consultation on LGBT inclusion for universities and organizations across the country.
For information on the LGBT Center’s 10th anniversary and accomplishments, see UofL News. For more information, contact Lisa Gunterman or visit Facebook.