LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Fiction writers Lauren Groff and Merritt Tierce and poet Lauren Haldeman will read from their work and teach master classes at the University of Louisville The English department’s creative writing program offers the public readings and classes through the Anne and William Axton Reading Series. Here’s the fall 2016 schedule:
Sept. 22-23 – Lauren Haldeman, a poet who works as a University of Iowa web developer-designer, will read from her work at 4 p.m. Sept. 22 in Bingham Poetry Room, Ekstrom Library, and lead a two-hour master class at 10 a.m. Sept. 23 in Room W210, also in Ekstrom.
She wrote the 2014 poetry collection “Calenday” and 2015 chapbook “The Eccentricity is Zero.” Haldeman participated in a U.S. State Department reading tour of South Africa this year and also produces digital storytelling that features video and comics.
Oct. 20-21 – Merritt Tierce, a Texas-based writer, will read from her work at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 20 in Bingham Poetry Room, Ekstrom Library, and lead a two-hour master class at 10 a.m. Oct. 21 in Room 300, Bingham Humanities Building.
Tierce’s novel “Love Me Back” was named a best book of 2014 by the Chicago Tribune. Her first published story was anthologized in the 2008 New Stories from the South, and her work has appeared in The New York Times and other publications.
Nov. 5 – Lauren Groff was a National Book Award and National Book Critics Circle Award finalist in 2015 for her third novel “Fates and Furies.” She also wrote the novels “Arcadia” and “The Monsters of Templeton” and story collection “Delicate Edible Birds.” The Axton series will sponsor her free, public keynote reading at 5 p.m. for the Louisville Literary Arts’ Writer’s Block Festival off-campus at the Tim Faulkner Gallery, 1512 Portland Ave.
For more information, check http://louisville.edu/english/creative-writing/axton-reading-series or contact Paul Griner at 502-852-3053 or paul.griner@louisville.edu.