LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Internationally known social justice activist Angela Davis will talk about the enduring quest for freedom during the 10th annual Anne Braden Memorial Lecture at the University of Louisville.
Her free, public talk – “Freedom is a Constant Struggle” — will begin at 6 p.m. Nov. 15 in the Brown & Williamson Club at Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium on Floyd Street. All seating is first come, first served, and a book signing will follow.
For decades Davis has been among the nation’s leading advocates for prison reform and abolition, gender equity, and racial and economic justice. She is featured in the new Netflix documentary “13th” about mass incarceration in the United States and in the 2012 documentary “Free Angela and All Political Prisoners” about her own jailing in the 1970s. Davis twice ran for U.S. vice president on the Communist Party ticket in the 1980s.
Davis is professor emerita of University of California-Santa Cruz, where she taught in the history of consciousness and feminist studies departments from 1991 to 2008. This year she published an anthology of her writings and speeches: “Freedom is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine and the Foundations of a Movement.” She is the author of several other books including “Are Prisons Obsolete?” “Women, Race and Class,” “The Meaning of Freedom” and an autobiography.
UofL’s Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research in the College of Arts and Sciences sponsors the lecture. The lecture series and institute are named for a Louisvillian active in the civil rights movement. Davis, a longtime friend of Anne and Carl Braden, wrote the foreword to the biography “Subversive Southerner: Anne Braden and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Cold War South,” written by institute director and UofL professor Cate Fosl. Davis also taught a 2002 women’s and gender studies course as a visiting professor at UofL.
For more information, contact Dionne Griffiths at 502-852-6142 or dcgrif02@louisville.edu or check www.louisville.edu/braden