LOUISVILLE, Ky. – More than a dozen University of Louisville staff members will participate in a tandem jump with the Army’s elite Golden Knights skydiving team.
Weather permitting, the jump is scheduled for June 9 beginning at 9 a.m. at Fort Knox.
“UofL and Fort Knox have strengthened their ties over the past few years, working together on leadership programs, research activities and special events,” said Renee Finnegan, executive director of UofL’s Office of Military Initiatives. “Jumping with a prestigious Army unit such as the Golden Knights is a great way to solidify our partnership.”
Fifteen UofL staff members are planning to participate, including several coaches, directors, program coordinators, deans and the interim provost.
The Golden Knights, otherwise known as the United States Army Parachute Team, is one of three Department of Defense-sanctioned aerial demonstration teams, along with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds.
For further information: At UofL, contact Finnegan, 502-852-2153, or renee.finnegan@louisville.edu; at Fort Knox, contact James LaFlair, 502-624-4474, or james.laflair.civ@mail.mil.